My friend has a 5 year old sharpie that has topica dermatitis (alergy related disease) in between her toes.?

Does anyone know anything that might work other than Atopia(med) because that is to expensive right now. Does anyone know of any over the counter or home remedies that will help?Serious answers only this dog is in major pain, bleeding and can barely walk…

    My friend has a 5 year old sharpie that has topica dermatitis (alergy related disease) in between her toes.?

    Does anyone know anything that might work other than Atopia(med) because that is to expensive right now. Does anyone know of any over the counter or home remedies that will help?Serious answers only this dog is in major pain, bleeding and can barely walk…...
    General Dog Discussions : My friend has a 5 year old sharpie that has topica dermatitis (alergy related disease) in between her toes.?...

    • My friend has a 5 year old sharpie that has topica dermatitis (alergy related disease) in between her toes.?

      My friend has a 5 year old sharpie that has topica dermatitis (alergy related disease) in between her toes.? General Dog Discussions
      Does anyone know anything that might work other than Atopia(med) because that is to expensive right now. Does anyone know of any over the counter or home remedies that will help?Serious answers only this dog is in major pain, bleeding and can barely walk at times thank you in advance

      My friend has a 5 year old sharpie that has topica dermatitis (alergy related disease) in between her toes.?

      My friend has a 5 year old sharpie that has topica dermatitis (alergy related disease) in between her toes.? General Dog Discussions
    • Try soaking the dog's paws in a 50/50 solution of apple cider vinegar and warm water. Can't hurt, and might help.The dog should still go to the vet for treatment. The ACV would be a stop-gap measure, at best.

    • Has the dog been diagnosed by the vet? Checked for mange and yeast? Has the vet performed allergy testing? It's possible that the dermatitis is in response to licking caused by allergies, but dermatitis is a general term, and not a disease in's a way of saying: something is making this dogs skin red and itchy. If your friend is trying to avoid a vet visit, the first thing to do is try a food like California's a low allergen food, unlikely to bother allergies in most dogs. If that doesn't help, I'd recommend that the vet perform the allergy tests to determine what is causing the reaction. Dogs can be allergic to nearly anything, but all of the dogs that I know with allergies are allergic to foods...I think food is a good place to start. There is no OTC med that could cure this issue, but talk to the vet about the proper dose of Benadryl for this dog, it could help...make SURE that the friend speaks to the vet for dosage info to avoid over-dosing the dog.

    • You should consult with a veterinary dermatologist regarding other treatments such as hyposensitization, symtomatic therapies like sprays, lotions, and shampoos and the use of other medications. They would be the most knowledgeable and helpful.