Will my dog get used to fish oil eventually?

My dog has chewed on her feet since I got her a year and a half ago. She recently started scratching her eye and rubbed some fur off around it, and chewed a small bald spot into her tail. I took her to the vet and the vet said to try fish oil. I started…

    Will my dog get used to fish oil eventually?

    My dog has chewed on her feet since I got her a year and a half ago. She recently started scratching her eye and rubbed some fur off around it, and chewed a small bald spot into her tail. I took her to the vet and the vet said to try fish oil. I started…...
    General Dog Discussions : Will my dog get used to fish oil eventually?...

    • Will my dog get used to fish oil eventually?

      Will my dog get used to fish oil eventually? General Dog Discussions
      My dog has chewed on her feet since I got her a year and a half ago. She recently started scratching her eye and rubbed some fur off around it, and chewed a small bald spot into her tail. I took her to the vet and the vet said to try fish oil. I started giving it to her but she got diarrhea so I stopped. Should i continue giving it to her, hoping her system eventually get used to the fish oil, or should I try something else?I've tried Benadryl and it didn't do anything. The vet also gave me a special shampoo to use once a week.Also, my dog has a history of being a picky eater. When I first gave her the fish oil on her food she started only eating the bits that had oil on them. Then she kinda stopped eating for a bit and I'm not sure if it's because the fish oil upset her stomach or because she was waiting for fish oil food. I decided to wait till she started eating normally again and then giving it to her as a treat after she had already eaten her food.Her eye and tail are improving.The vet suggested that her skin irritation was partially because of the dry air here in Utah. That's hy she suggested oil first.

      Will my dog get used to fish oil eventually?

      Will my dog get used to fish oil eventually? General Dog Discussions
    • Salmon oil and other fish oils are great for skin and coat and you should always start by adding only a very small amount and then build up from there.But, when dogs chew and rub bald spots, that is generally due to some type of dermatitis. Your vet should have taken a skin scrapping to rule out certain types of bacterial infections and even mange, fleas, etc. Or, it is very possible that your dog is suffering from some type of allergy. Generally chronic chewing of the feet is a type of allergy or even OCD (obsessive/compulsive disorder).Try another vet who will try to determine what is causing the problem rather than just tell you to give her fish oil.ADD: Most dogs tend to thrive in dry places without an effect on their skin and coat. While you're dog could be hypersensitive to the dry air - I sincerely doubt it. Too much shampooing will dry out a dog's coat and skin pretty quickly so I would limit the bathing. I think it's much more than dry skin and I urge you to see another vet.

    • I would stop giving it to her. Try giving her some Benedryl. The dosage for Benedryl is 1mg for each pound of dog. It sounds like she's having an allergic reaction to something and Benedryl will calm and reduce any inflammation of the skin so that she will stop scratching. An oatmeal bath really helps too. It will calm and soothe the skin. If it works, ditch the fish oil for good and try changing her food slowly to one that is grain free. She sounds like she has allergies for sure. Try the Benedryl. 1mg per each pound of dog, once every 12 hours.

    • In addition to the two good answers, I prefer a more natural fish oil, so I give my dogs 1/4 a sardine every day. I agree you need to determine what the dog is allergic to, and fish oil isn't going to change that.

    • You could try and wrap the pills in cheese. Dogs love cheese. Also, check out the brand of fish oil you are using. I use Ocean Blue Professional Omega 3 2100. They have a full size and minicap size. The minicaps are good for issue with pill size.www.oceanblueprofessional.com. Good Luck.