Do they make pet beds for dogs with allergies?

Or do you have any suggestions on what I can use? My 3 yr old yorkie has allergies & I wash his bedding in hot water with dye free detergent. I give him cool baths but he still has these awful bumps coming up on his body. He has all the symptoms for…

    Do they make pet beds for dogs with allergies?

    Or do you have any suggestions on what I can use? My 3 yr old yorkie has allergies & I wash his bedding in hot water with dye free detergent. I give him cool baths but he still has these awful bumps coming up on his body. He has all the symptoms for…...
    General Dog Discussions : Do they make pet beds for dogs with allergies?...

    • Do they make pet beds for dogs with allergies?

      Do they make pet beds for dogs with allergies? General Dog Discussions
      Or do you have any suggestions on what I can use? My 3 yr old yorkie has allergies & I wash his bedding in hot water with dye free detergent. I give him cool baths but he still has these awful bumps coming up on his body. He has all the symptoms for allergies except ear infections. Any help would be appreciated.We go this weekend to the vet for his shots so I hope to find something out. He has one place on his belly that is red and has scales and looks to have some infection to it.I don't feed him cheap food...he's fed Nitro Max and has been since he was a pup. Everything else makes him sick. I've already tried Science Diet Sensitive stomach b/c that's what my min. Schnauzer is on. Didn't work.

      Do they make pet beds for dogs with allergies?

      Do they make pet beds for dogs with allergies? General Dog Discussions
    • Have you taken him to a vet? His allergy may be food related or someting else in his environment besides his bedding. Most dog beds (except those filled with shavings) are hypoallergenic.EDITI actually have a dog that is allergic to all Nutro products. It's fine food, there's just something in it that my dog is allergic to. Dogs can be allergic to even some good foods.

    • Could it be his food? California Natural is a hypoallergenic dog food and I think would be perfect for your dog. If the Vet cannot determine what his allergies are (or the meds he gives arent working) try this food. I've recommended this dog food to a couple of family members who have dogs with allergies and it really helped. My uncle has a dog who is allergic to something but no one could figure it out. The dog was losing hair in some spots and always itching. He started feeding California Natural and I notice a BIG difference! I'm guessing it was some weird ingredient in store brand food, but thats just a guess. Maybe it will help for you. It wont hurt to try! :] to buy: can also try Canidae (less expensive): http://www.canidae.comYou'll be impressed how big a difference dog food helps! Your dogs coat will be shiny and his eyes will glow. I feed my dogs Innova (on the same site as California Natural) and they love it and my pup hasnt been sick yet! And there is ALOT less poo to clean up :] cant complain there! LOLHope this helps!And good luck at the vets!Here are some sites that might help you with allergy dog beds: little info on allergies)