best way to get rid of fleas around the home?

My 10 week old puppy has fleas, and we bought some Hartz Ultra Guard medication, but he is still too young for it. Is there anything that I can do to help keep the fleas to a minimum until he is old enough? Also, what can I do to minimize the fleas…

    best way to get rid of fleas around the home?

    My 10 week old puppy has fleas, and we bought some Hartz Ultra Guard medication, but he is still too young for it. Is there anything that I can do to help keep the fleas to a minimum until he is old enough? Also, what can I do to minimize the fleas…...
    General Dog Discussions : best way to get rid of fleas around the home?...

    • best way to get rid of fleas around the home?

      best way to get rid of fleas around the home? General Dog Discussions
      My 10 week old puppy has fleas, and we bought some Hartz Ultra Guard medication, but he is still too young for it. Is there anything that I can do to help keep the fleas to a minimum until he is old enough? Also, what can I do to minimize the fleas around the house? They aren't that bad yet, but I want it to stay that way.

      best way to get rid of fleas around the home?

      best way to get rid of fleas around the home? General Dog Discussions
    • Get some ivory dish soap and give him a bath with it... this kills fleas on contact. As for your house, get a room fogger. This will kill any fleas that are in your carpet.

    • You may need to give you puppy a treatments of flea baths. Groomers do them or a vets office. For you house you will have to buy flea bombs but need to get out of the house for a few hours along with any other pets that you have. You have to watch the box on the Hartz Guard med. There are certain kinds for certain dogs by weight. Some say dont give to puppies. He may be to young just wait and call you vet to see if he can have this treatments.