What is an effective method of ridding cats of earmites?

My mom has several cats who have earmites. Her vet says just to use oil in their ears but it does not get rid of them. Does anyone know of over-the-counter medications, or have any tips? I thank you so much in advance!

    What is an effective method of ridding cats of earmites?

    My mom has several cats who have earmites. Her vet says just to use oil in their ears but it does not get rid of them. Does anyone know of over-the-counter medications, or have any tips? I thank you so much in advance!...
    General Dog Discussions : What is an effective method of ridding cats of earmites?...

    • What is an effective method of ridding cats of earmites?

      What is an effective method of ridding cats of earmites? General Dog Discussions
      My mom has several cats who have earmites. Her vet says just to use oil in their ears but it does not get rid of them. Does anyone know of over-the-counter medications, or have any tips? I thank you so much in advance!

      What is an effective method of ridding cats of earmites?

      What is an effective method of ridding cats of earmites? General Dog Discussions
    • Mineral oil IS very good for ear mites. You warm it slightly--put the m.o. bottle in a bowl of hot water for a couple minutes, then check...should just feel a little warm on the back of your hand. Maybe the vet didn't explain the next step. You actually have to gently massage the ears before you swab them out. With multiple cats, it's probably a two person job, so you'll need to help mom again. :) Wrap the cat in a towel and keep it in your lap. After the oil and gentle massage has had a chance to loosen up the brown crusts, use cotten balls to swab each cat's ears. You have to repeat this procedure every day. You have to get into the "nooks & crannies". So twist some cotten balls for that. Cotton swabs are a no-no. I've never had to treat with anything other than mineral oil, so I'm including a link that should help. It takes time, and if you have any other pets (a dog) they also should be treated. Ear mites are very contagious. Here's to success! :)http://animals.howstuffworks.com/pets/home-remedies-for-cats-with-ear-mites1.htm

    • Oil drowns the earmites which is why the vet sugested it however - I agree it does not work well if there are loads of the beasts!!! ( I have experienced it with both of my cats).The only thing is for your vet to give you "canural" - ask for it. It works a treat - however I will warn you it can take a while to work and it may seem as though the mites are still there because of all the black dirt the mites produce (Their poo) but it definitely works. Just clean your cats ears using soft cotton wool after the treatment (and not the ear buds as you could damage their ear drums)My cats are now mite free.