My dogs ears are swollen what could be wrong?

I have a lab and I was rubbing his ears with in mintues his ears got about half a inch thick. Just the ends. He was not itching or anything. Now he can't stop. So I gave him allergy meds and lightly rapped his ears down so he would stop shaking his head.…

    My dogs ears are swollen what could be wrong?

    I have a lab and I was rubbing his ears with in mintues his ears got about half a inch thick. Just the ends. He was not itching or anything. Now he can't stop. So I gave him allergy meds and lightly rapped his ears down so he would stop shaking his head.…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dogs ears are swollen what could be wrong?...

    • My dogs ears are swollen what could be wrong?

      My dogs ears are swollen what could be wrong? General Dog Discussions
      I have a lab and I was rubbing his ears with in mintues his ears got about half a inch thick. Just the ends. He was not itching or anything. Now he can't stop. So I gave him allergy meds and lightly rapped his ears down so he would stop shaking his head. What could this be? Should I take him to a er vet?

      My dogs ears are swollen what could be wrong?

      My dogs ears are swollen what could be wrong? General Dog Discussions
    • i can think of..infection, hematoma, or mites. All need medical attention. If you cannot make it to the vet right away, at least call them and ask for advice. Don;t leave it for later, in case it happens to be something that is really bad.