Why does my dog tear the padding from her paw?

We just got a dog about two months ago and she had settled in nicely, but recently I've noticed she's been tearing at the padding on her paw and ripping bits off of it. I'm worried that this is bad for her or means she's depressed or something. Does…

    Why does my dog tear the padding from her paw?

    We just got a dog about two months ago and she had settled in nicely, but recently I've noticed she's been tearing at the padding on her paw and ripping bits off of it. I'm worried that this is bad for her or means she's depressed or something. Does…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why does my dog tear the padding from her paw?...

    • Why does my dog tear the padding from her paw?

      Why does my dog tear the padding from her paw? General Dog Discussions
      We just got a dog about two months ago and she had settled in nicely, but recently I've noticed she's been tearing at the padding on her paw and ripping bits off of it. I'm worried that this is bad for her or means she's depressed or something. Does anyone know why she does this or what I can do to stop her?Thanks!

      Why does my dog tear the padding from her paw?

      Why does my dog tear the padding from her paw? General Dog Discussions
    • Take her to the vet, this could be an allergy or behavioural issue. Padding on a dog paw is sensitive, and a wound on the pad can get very easily infected and cause problems.Try wrapping a bandage around it in the mean time to stop her from being able to do it aswell as covering up any wound she could've caused. It could be itchy from an allergy making her want to scratch it. Over grooming is also an abnormal behaviour, and could be a sign of boredom and discomfort. If she is settled in nicely, it is most likely some kind of allergy or itch.It is best to get her checked out by a vet to prevent her doing further damage.

    • This is not good at all. You have to call the Vet asap. There is a bitter solution you can put on an area so they will not lick. You can also wrap it with bandage tape. I have dog booties that we use on our dogs feet when we go camping or walking in rugged terrain. You just have to make sure there is nothing in her paw that is causing pain or attention. Get the Vet to check it really good. Now about Bordom...yes dogs will start bad habits to release energy. Some breeds need more of a work out than others. Research your type of pup and see what her needs are. You really cannot be running a dog with an injured paw so that has to heal first. Dog booties can be purchased online of at your local pet store. Good for you for caring and paying attention to your girl!