Help! Can someone explain to me the various dietary deficiencies that will lead a dog to chew?

Our 6 year old female dog will go through spells of chewing- things such as clay flower pots, football kicking tees, etc and not dog toys. She doesn't just chew she actually eats whatever the object. It doesn't seem to be boredom as we have anohter dog…

    Help! Can someone explain to me the various dietary deficiencies that will lead a dog to chew?

    Our 6 year old female dog will go through spells of chewing- things such as clay flower pots, football kicking tees, etc and not dog toys. She doesn't just chew she actually eats whatever the object. It doesn't seem to be boredom as we have anohter dog…...
    General Dog Discussions : Help! Can someone explain to me the various dietary deficiencies that will lead a dog to chew?...

    • Help! Can someone explain to me the various dietary deficiencies that will lead a dog to chew?

      Help! Can someone explain to me the various dietary deficiencies that will lead a dog to chew? General Dog Discussions
      Our 6 year old female dog will go through spells of chewing- things such as clay flower pots, football kicking tees, etc and not dog toys. She doesn't just chew she actually eats whatever the object. It doesn't seem to be boredom as we have anohter dog and are home with her a lot of the time. It really seems more like a deficiency of some sort. She is on a good dog food as well. Please don't give me any advice on boredom chewing.

      Help! Can someone explain to me the various dietary deficiencies that will lead a dog to chew?

      Help! Can someone explain to me the various dietary deficiencies that will lead a dog to chew? General Dog Discussions
    • sometimes dogs just wanna chew have u tried buying chew toys rawhides pig ears and such dogs dont really ever chew outta boredom its just something that they do, they need to chew some more than others and also she could be picking certain objects to get attention dogs will take any type of attention whether it be negative or positive and even though she has a friend home with her and you are home with her maybe she needs more stenuouse activities, play tug of war something idk consult a professional

    • i have never heard of a dog eating forien objects to make up for lack of nutrients. if a dog is eating grass or sticks, they need fiber, of if a dog is licking salty things the need sodium, but that is all i can think of. if she is on a really good food, she should be getting the nutrients she needs. this could be a cry for attention. if you are talking to her or touching her when she is chewing these things she is not supposed to, shes could be getting what she wants(your attention), this would be boredom, but that is not what you want to hear. even if you are at home with her a lot and she has a playmate doesnt meen she cant get bored.if you still think she is deficient in something the best thing for you to do would be to get her levels of everthing to be checked by a vet. blood, urine and stool samles would be the way to go about that. this would tell youexactly what she is lacking