What should I expect when I take my rabbits to the vet?

My husband and I recently bought two baby rabbits. We want to take them to the vet to make sure they are healthy, and to check there actual age and sex.What kind of things should I expect, or should I ask when I take our bunnies to the vet?

    What should I expect when I take my rabbits to the vet?

    My husband and I recently bought two baby rabbits. We want to take them to the vet to make sure they are healthy, and to check there actual age and sex.What kind of things should I expect, or should I ask when I take our bunnies to the vet?...
    General Dog Discussions : What should I expect when I take my rabbits to the vet?...

    • What should I expect when I take my rabbits to the vet?

      What should I expect when I take my rabbits to the vet? General Dog Discussions
      My husband and I recently bought two baby rabbits. We want to take them to the vet to make sure they are healthy, and to check there actual age and sex.What kind of things should I expect, or should I ask when I take our bunnies to the vet?

      What should I expect when I take my rabbits to the vet?

      What should I expect when I take my rabbits to the vet? General Dog Discussions
    • First off, you don't need a vet to tell you gender. You can do that alone. Second, you should be prepared for whatever your vet tells you about them. You could have gotton them from a bad breeder and they could look and act fine but be very sick.

    • The vet should do a physical exam. They will check the eyes, ears, teeth, heart, lungs, temp, feet and over all condition. They will be able to tell you the gender, but you should know that young rabbit can be tricky to tell. They will probably ask about the cage, food, water, bedding and general care stuff that you do. They should be able to answer questions you have. You should make a list of the things you want to ask so you don't forget. Also write down the brand of food you use. Make sure you are going to a rabbit vet. A cat/dog vet will not know enough about rabbits to help you or your bunnies.