Whats causing my 11 month old lab to have diarrhea?

I took my pup to the vet on tues for a routine check up. He recieved some shots and his fecal test came out negative. But now he has diarrhea. What should I do? What has caused this?

    Whats causing my 11 month old lab to have diarrhea?

    I took my pup to the vet on tues for a routine check up. He recieved some shots and his fecal test came out negative. But now he has diarrhea. What should I do? What has caused this?...
    General Dog Discussions : Whats causing my 11 month old lab to have diarrhea?...

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    • Whats causing my 11 month old lab to have diarrhea?

      Whats causing my 11 month old lab to have diarrhea? General Dog Discussions
      I took my pup to the vet on tues for a routine check up. He recieved some shots and his fecal test came out negative. But now he has diarrhea. What should I do? What has caused this?

      Whats causing my 11 month old lab to have diarrhea?

      Whats causing my 11 month old lab to have diarrhea? General Dog Discussions
    • Many things can cause diarrhea - intestinal parasites, single-cell organisms, diet change, certain treats (and bones), stress, and *sometimes* on a rare occasion dogs can come down with diarrhea after vaccines.As long as your dog does not have a fever and is eating, drinking, and otherwise acting as normal no need to call the vet.My advice is to feed him boiled hamburg/rice or boiled chicken/rice until his stool is normal again. Be sure to offer him plenty of water to keep him hydrated.I wish you luck!