Can anybody help my with my dogs eye problem?

My dog (Labrador, almost 8 years old) keeps getting some eye problems in his eyes, but just one at a time; i have gone to the vets 2 times and we got some eye cream but they didn't work , so we used some hey fever medicine but i don't think that is…

    Can anybody help my with my dogs eye problem?

    My dog (Labrador, almost 8 years old) keeps getting some eye problems in his eyes, but just one at a time; i have gone to the vets 2 times and we got some eye cream but they didn't work , so we used some hey fever medicine but i don't think that is…...
    General Dog Discussions : Can anybody help my with my dogs eye problem?...

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    • Can anybody help my with my dogs eye problem?

      Can anybody help my with my dogs eye problem? General Dog Discussions
      My dog (Labrador, almost 8 years old) keeps getting some eye problems in his eyes, but just one at a time; i have gone to the vets 2 times and we got some eye cream but they didn't work , so we used some hey fever medicine but i don't think that is working either :S what should i do ?

      Can anybody help my with my dogs eye problem?

      Can anybody help my with my dogs eye problem? General Dog Discussions
    • As the owner of an aging dog it is your responsibility to know the diagnosis and medication. You need to know more than "some eye problems" and "some eye cream". Simply ask the vet the name of the eye problem or any other diagnosis. The name of the medication is on the package or tube. Keep the medical information and receipts for payment in a folder. Then, if the dog needs to go to a second vet all of the needed information is available. It will also allow you to search for information on the internet to better understand what is happening with your dog. For example, if the dog had conjunctivitis medication for hay fever was useless and could have caused drying of the eye. Sometimes medication must be given longer or a stronger medication is needed. Make sure you understand how the medication is to be given and how often. Do not hesitate to ask your vet questions. Call the vet to let him/her know what is going on or make an appointment with another vet for a second opinion.