What should one do once a tic has left a bullseye on their dog?

We just found a big red circle on my dog with a little hole in it with blood all over but no sight of a tic. What should we do? Go to the hospital?

    What should one do once a tic has left a bullseye on their dog?

    We just found a big red circle on my dog with a little hole in it with blood all over but no sight of a tic. What should we do? Go to the hospital?...
    General Dog Discussions : What should one do once a tic has left a bullseye on their dog?...

    • What should one do once a tic has left a bullseye on their dog?

      What should one do once a tic has left a bullseye on their dog? General Dog Discussions
      We just found a big red circle on my dog with a little hole in it with blood all over but no sight of a tic. What should we do? Go to the hospital?

      What should one do once a tic has left a bullseye on their dog?

      What should one do once a tic has left a bullseye on their dog? General Dog Discussions
    • If you didn't see the tick, are you sure it was a tick. If I wasn't sure, I'd take the dog to the vet in case it was something else. Clean it right now with warm soapy water, and put some neosporin on. if you're sure it was a tick and don't see it now, the only reason a tick falls off is they are full of blood and ready to have babies, I'd look real close to try and find it before you end up with a whole family.I use borax Laundry booster, sprinkle around, vacuum or sweep in 24 hours. It will kill fleas, ticks, spiders, ants etc and all their eggs.