my dog got sick and ever since she has been licking people non-stop. What do i do?

My 7-year-old Boston Terrier dog got stroke type symptoms, equilibrium problems, and was given medication to improve her condition. Since then, she has been licking the floor, carpet, and people non-stop. I don't know if this means she is still ill or…

    my dog got sick and ever since she has been licking people non-stop. What do i do?

    My 7-year-old Boston Terrier dog got stroke type symptoms, equilibrium problems, and was given medication to improve her condition. Since then, she has been licking the floor, carpet, and people non-stop. I don't know if this means she is still ill or…...
    General Dog Discussions : my dog got sick and ever since she has been licking people non-stop. What do i do?...

    • my dog got sick and ever since she has been licking people non-stop. What do i do?

      my dog got sick and ever since she has been licking people non-stop. What do i do? General Dog Discussions
      My 7-year-old Boston Terrier dog got stroke type symptoms, equilibrium problems, and was given medication to improve her condition. Since then, she has been licking the floor, carpet, and people non-stop. I don't know if this means she is still ill or what?

      my dog got sick and ever since she has been licking people non-stop. What do i do?

      my dog got sick and ever since she has been licking people non-stop. What do i do? General Dog Discussions