will my dog be okay if shes hospitalized?

My 8 year old Pomeranian had a fever of 105.7 (normal being 101-102) and a low white blood cell count pointing toward infection. She also has a heart murmur but not a bad one. Will my baby be okay since she's admitted? I'm so worried!! They have her on…

    will my dog be okay if shes hospitalized?

    My 8 year old Pomeranian had a fever of 105.7 (normal being 101-102) and a low white blood cell count pointing toward infection. She also has a heart murmur but not a bad one. Will my baby be okay since she's admitted? I'm so worried!! They have her on…...
    General Dog Discussions : will my dog be okay if shes hospitalized?...

    • will my dog be okay if shes hospitalized?

      will my dog be okay if shes hospitalized? General Dog Discussions
      My 8 year old Pomeranian had a fever of 105.7 (normal being 101-102) and a low white blood cell count pointing toward infection. She also has a heart murmur but not a bad one. Will my baby be okay since she's admitted? I'm so worried!! They have her on an IV drip for fluids and antibiotics.

      will my dog be okay if shes hospitalized?

      will my dog be okay if shes hospitalized? General Dog Discussions
    • No one can be sure if she will be ok or not (the majority of us have no qualifications and none of us have seen your dog) but if she is at the vets, she is in the best place and has the best chance. You can always call the vet for updates and I'm sure they'd let you know if there was any major change in her condition.

    • There is no way to know for sure, since they do not know exactly what is going on. But since she is at the vet's, with fluid and antibiotics, she has a really good chance at getting better. 8 is not that old, and if it is some kind of infection, she should be fine.