How can I help my cat heal a cut on her throat?

My cat got into a fight with some other animal and she has a cut on her throat. She is still eating, drinking, and using the litter box. She is behaving the same but I want to help her heal. How can I do it effectively? The scratched had scabbed over but…

    How can I help my cat heal a cut on her throat?

    My cat got into a fight with some other animal and she has a cut on her throat. She is still eating, drinking, and using the litter box. She is behaving the same but I want to help her heal. How can I do it effectively? The scratched had scabbed over but…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I help my cat heal a cut on her throat?...

    • How can I help my cat heal a cut on her throat?

      How can I help my cat heal a cut on her throat? General Dog Discussions
      My cat got into a fight with some other animal and she has a cut on her throat. She is still eating, drinking, and using the litter box. She is behaving the same but I want to help her heal. How can I do it effectively? The scratched had scabbed over but she scratched it off. Please help??

      How can I help my cat heal a cut on her throat?

      How can I help my cat heal a cut on her throat? General Dog Discussions
    • wow, do I EVER feel for you. I bet that every time you see her lick that cut, your crotch cringes [that's what happens folks when a women has had a child, all the sympathetic pain is felt THERE.]I am not joking, when I see my 6 year old tug on a loose tooth, my nerve centers "down under" cringe and it is NOT a good cringe.I think your cat, like most, is super resilient. There is a reason why most folks say cats have nine lives. In reality of course they do not, but they DO have very flexible skeletons, survivor coats, claws, teeth, and they survive more accidents than dogs. They can fall further and land successfully, they heal themselves with their tongues, and they are SO FLEXIBLE.God bless you, and your cat. I betcha she'll or he'll take better care of hem/herself than any vet can. Your cat is already doing what it takes to survive and I BET you that any money you spend on a vet is not necessary, this cat that you describe is ON THE MEND naturally.You know what your budget can handle... I think your cat can do it but if you want to bring him to a vet... go for it.