What are the options for entropian eyelids in a basset hound?

The vet told me my basset may have entropian eyelids which are irritating her eyes. He gave her some eye drops and a steroid shot to help her with the discomfort and try to kill any eye infection that may be causing it. But informed me that if they…

    What are the options for entropian eyelids in a basset hound?

    The vet told me my basset may have entropian eyelids which are irritating her eyes. He gave her some eye drops and a steroid shot to help her with the discomfort and try to kill any eye infection that may be causing it. But informed me that if they…...
    General Dog Discussions : What are the options for entropian eyelids in a basset hound?...

    • What are the options for entropian eyelids in a basset hound?

      What are the options for entropian eyelids in a basset hound? General Dog Discussions
      The vet told me my basset may have entropian eyelids which are irritating her eyes. He gave her some eye drops and a steroid shot to help her with the discomfort and try to kill any eye infection that may be causing it. But informed me that if they aren't better in a week she'll have to have eye surgery to fix her eyelid!

      What are the options for entropian eyelids in a basset hound?

      What are the options for entropian eyelids in a basset hound? General Dog Discussions
    • By God, she needs surgery. Imagine your eyelids turning inwards, rubbing on your eyeball all the time. She is in pain, will be prone to infection, and ultimately lose her eyesight. If you can't afford the surgery, you should give her up to someone who can.If you would feel better about a second opinion, get one before the surgery, but don't let your dog walk around like this any longer than she absolutely has to!

    • Unfortunately breeds like bassets with loose facial skin are susceptible to entropion, usually it's the lower eyelids.If it is entropian, it requires surgery. But inverted eyelids can also be caused by blepharospasm. If that's what it is, the vet can put a topical eye anesthetic in the eye which temporarily blocks the pain and the inversion will disappear.Hope for the best for your dog! (If she does need surgery, you needn't worry too much, one of my guys had a tumor removed from his eyelid, and the surgery went really well and he was just fine.)

    • the eyelids are folding into the eye i have a cat -rare- with this- the vet said to imagine having eyelashes in your eye all day long its very uncomfortable and common in a lot of breeds --do have surgury -- it is normally a common surgury and the animals feel a lot better - youl follow surgury with eye meds