Has anyone ever heard of Vet prescribing Alprazolam for stressful cat ?

I have an aggressive cat that Vet says comes from stress. Suggested Alprazolam (xanax). I know Valium is still used but first I've heard of xanax.

    Has anyone ever heard of Vet prescribing Alprazolam for stressful cat ?

    I have an aggressive cat that Vet says comes from stress. Suggested Alprazolam (xanax). I know Valium is still used but first I've heard of xanax....
    General Dog Discussions : Has anyone ever heard of Vet prescribing Alprazolam for stressful cat ?...

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    • Has anyone ever heard of Vet prescribing Alprazolam for stressful cat ?

      Has anyone ever heard of Vet prescribing Alprazolam for stressful cat ? General Dog Discussions
      I have an aggressive cat that Vet says comes from stress. Suggested Alprazolam (xanax). I know Valium is still used but first I've heard of xanax.

      Has anyone ever heard of Vet prescribing Alprazolam for stressful cat ?

      Has anyone ever heard of Vet prescribing Alprazolam for stressful cat ? General Dog Discussions
    • Alprazolam is much safer for a cat (or dog for that matter) and is being used much more frequently in veterinary medicine now that Diazepam (Valium). It is much safer to use in animals with unknown medical histories and with animals that have heart problems. It is often used for animal stress during traveling or thunderstorms. Other medical options may include Composure or you may consider a Feliway spray or diffuser depending on the animals issues. If you are uncomfortable with Alprazolam discuss other options for your vet. Alprazolam is safe to use occasionally but I don't think it is recommended for long term use. It is more a sedative for stressful events, not to correct behavioral problems. If this is a true behavior problem I would advise a full medical evaluation because different medical problems can have aggression as a sign (thyroid problems are high on the list and diabetes can also increase aggression). I wish you luck!