Professional Tranqualizer?

Okay, So I work with a Rescue, and one of our foster dogs got loose, and has been on the run for over a month, We have tried Live trapping, and we sat out all night a few times, watching the dog. she will not go near anyone, The only way is trying to…

    Professional Tranqualizer?

    Okay, So I work with a Rescue, and one of our foster dogs got loose, and has been on the run for over a month, We have tried Live trapping, and we sat out all night a few times, watching the dog. she will not go near anyone, The only way is trying to…...
    General Dog Discussions : Professional Tranqualizer?...

    • Professional Tranqualizer?

      Professional Tranqualizer? General Dog Discussions
      Okay, So I work with a Rescue, and one of our foster dogs got loose, and has been on the run for over a month, We have tried Live trapping, and we sat out all night a few times, watching the dog. she will not go near anyone, The only way is trying to get close enough to dart her, I just need some suggestions for a professional. Money is not a problem. this is in Minnesota Btw.

      Professional Tranqualizer?

      Professional Tranqualizer? General Dog Discussions
    • contact a vet they will get you touch with some qualified. Tranquilizing needs to be done in an open area. You need to be able to find the dog. You do know that this is a dog that will be with you for months if not years? I fostered a dog like this. biting, running, and hiding under the bed. Yea, he finally got a home and I cheered. Catching the dog will be the easy part.