English mastiff urine problem dog will try but cannt will come in the house an uncontrolled while laying down?

I have a 7 year old mastiff we had him to the vet an they put him on ciprofloxin and later on cephelexin for an uti or so we thought. it cleared up but now back to the same we go outside and he will stand there for quite a while then when he walks i…

    English mastiff urine problem dog will try but cannt will come in the house an uncontrolled while laying down?

    I have a 7 year old mastiff we had him to the vet an they put him on ciprofloxin and later on cephelexin for an uti or so we thought. it cleared up but now back to the same we go outside and he will stand there for quite a while then when he walks i…...
    General Dog Discussions : English mastiff urine problem dog will try but cannt will come in the house an uncontrolled while laying down?...

    • English mastiff urine problem dog will try but cannt will come in the house an uncontrolled while laying down?

      English mastiff urine problem dog will try but cannt will come in the house an uncontrolled while laying down? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 7 year old mastiff we had him to the vet an they put him on ciprofloxin and later on cephelexin for an uti or so we thought. it cleared up but now back to the same we go outside and he will stand there for quite a while then when he walks i can see him dripping and we just came into the house and then he was laying down and i noticed a large puddle. I should mention that we just moved from minnesota to florida and have had this problem twice before down here it just seem weird to me that it has cleared up and then returns about 3 weeks after the treatment stops i am wondering if he has been mis-diagnosed

      English mastiff urine problem dog will try but cannt will come in the house an uncontrolled while laying down?

      English mastiff urine problem dog will try but cannt will come in the house an uncontrolled while laying down? General Dog Discussions
    • I think they need to check for stones or other bladder problem. Hope he is ok - however, 7 yrs old is now considered veteran and unfortunately we do have to be watchful when they get to that age. I would take him back to the vets.

    • Sometimes it takes more than one course of antibiotics to clear up a urinary tract infection. My young female had 2 x 2 week courses of antibiotics and we were able to identify the bacteria. We got rid of the UTI and it came back again about 3 weeks later.If you can collect a specimen of his urine in a clean container and take it to the vet they will be able to identify the particular bacteria that's causing the infection. Otherwise they prescribe a broad spectrum antibiotic. If you think it's a case of misdiagnosis the urine specimen and taking bloods for pathology will reveal the answer. Ask the vet to send these test out to a pathologist rather than doing a brief in house test.