Any adverse reactions to Bordetella injection?

My healthy dog died 15 days after receiving a Bordetella injection.Within a day or two of the Bordetella injection, my dog started a slight cough and went off his food.About 15 hours before my dog died, the vet did a heartworm check, fecal check,…

    Any adverse reactions to Bordetella injection?

    My healthy dog died 15 days after receiving a Bordetella injection.Within a day or two of the Bordetella injection, my dog started a slight cough and went off his food.About 15 hours before my dog died, the vet did a heartworm check, fecal check,…...
    General Dog Discussions : Any adverse reactions to Bordetella injection?...

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    • Any adverse reactions to Bordetella injection?

      Any adverse reactions to Bordetella injection? General Dog Discussions
      My healthy dog died 15 days after receiving a Bordetella injection.Within a day or two of the Bordetella injection, my dog started a slight cough and went off his food.About 15 hours before my dog died, the vet did a heartworm check, fecal check, urinalysis, complete blood count, blood chemistry and xrays. Everything was completely normal...

      Any adverse reactions to Bordetella injection?

      Any adverse reactions to Bordetella injection? General Dog Discussions
    • well there are 2 ways to give it, intra nasal (sprayed into the nose) and sub-q (under the skin). There can be any adverse reactions to any vaccination. The main thing i see with it (we only use intra nasal) and that may be some coughing, kinda like when you get a flu shot, and feel a little fluish feeling for a few days. Of course they can always have an allergic reaction which is either facial swelling, hives, or vomiting/diarrhea. Allergice reactions only happen within 30 minutes of giving the vaccine tho. As far as your dog passing away was it sick afterwards or did it just die? i dont think it had anything to do with the vaccine. I'm sorry for your loss =(...BTW ive worked at a vet for over 4 years now. You had the option of a neocropsy, but that has to be right after the dog passed away.