Cat feels like she has small little bumps under fur?

She used to be an outdoor cat before I got her. She's indoors now. I've have her for about 11 months and last night it felt like she had a few very small bumps under her fur on the back of her lower head she didn't really seem like she wanted it touched…

    Cat feels like she has small little bumps under fur?

    She used to be an outdoor cat before I got her. She's indoors now. I've have her for about 11 months and last night it felt like she had a few very small bumps under her fur on the back of her lower head she didn't really seem like she wanted it touched…...
    General Dog Discussions : Cat feels like she has small little bumps under fur?...

    • Cat feels like she has small little bumps under fur?

      Cat feels like she has small little bumps under fur? General Dog Discussions
      She used to be an outdoor cat before I got her. She's indoors now. I've have her for about 11 months and last night it felt like she had a few very small bumps under her fur on the back of her lower head she didn't really seem like she wanted it touched it feels like this morning too she had them in front of her tail on her lower back. She's fluffy so I can't really see them. Anyone ever heard of this.

      Cat feels like she has small little bumps under fur?

      Cat feels like she has small little bumps under fur? General Dog Discussions
    • Yes.I have a very fluffy ragamuffin cat that I found.He gets these.In his case it is matted hair that gets gnarled and forms a sort of hairknot.I brush him every day bit it still doesn't help.I gently cut them away.My cat is old and cannot groom his lower body the same.I sometimes take a slightly damp cloth with only water on and and gently help him groom his lower end.Good luck

    • Looks like she has hives. Maybe a spider or bee stung her or she's allergic 2 comething else. Give her half a tablet of benadril twice a day. My dog is allergic to bees and when she gets stung that'll happen and her eyes will swell and her ears. And she gets bumps all over her. The vet told me about the benadril. and its cuts the reaction. If it doesnt work then u will need 2 take her 2 the vet to get a shot of cortazone. But the benadril should work. I doubt its mini tumors though cuz they just boping real fast my other lil doggie got a sebeascious tumor and it took like 2 month for it 2 grow and get it surgeried off thats why I say its hives. Just give her the benadril and that should do it. My other lil dog also allergic to spring and benadril stops the itch. since a cat is like11 ponds which is what my lil poodle is i say half a tab 2 time a day thats what i give her. For bigger dogs like 50 pounds u bump it up to a tablet. The generic brand allergy tablets work just as good. I give them generic can get em at walmart.

    • tick, matted fur (you should be able to look and see for both) OR a bug bite. take her to your local pet store and ask what you need to treat it with and they will help you.