A good multivitamin for my cat with a weak immune system?

My cat is almost a year old, and he is an active carrier of coronavirus =( unfortunatly when he was three months old his sister developed FIP. Cheshire is active, but I always worry that maybe he will get sick and I won't be able to help him. I really…

    A good multivitamin for my cat with a weak immune system?

    My cat is almost a year old, and he is an active carrier of coronavirus =( unfortunatly when he was three months old his sister developed FIP. Cheshire is active, but I always worry that maybe he will get sick and I won't be able to help him. I really…...
    General Dog Discussions : A good multivitamin for my cat with a weak immune system?...

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    • A good multivitamin for my cat with a weak immune system?

      A good multivitamin for my cat with a weak immune system? General Dog Discussions
      My cat is almost a year old, and he is an active carrier of coronavirus =( unfortunatly when he was three months old his sister developed FIP. Cheshire is active, but I always worry that maybe he will get sick and I won't be able to help him. I really would like to know if there's anything specific I can do for him to boost his immune system. I've read online vitamin c and l-lysine are good supplements. Is there maybe a good multivitamin I can give him?

      A good multivitamin for my cat with a weak immune system?

      A good multivitamin for my cat with a weak immune system? General Dog Discussions
    • L-lysine is known as a treatment for feline herpes virus - I don't know whether it would do any good against coronavirus, but I doubt it would hurt anything. Stick with the powder kind - the gel sometimes has artificial sweeteners in it, and that can cause allergic reactions in cats.I would look online for holistic veterinarians in your area and call one for advice - when it comes to strengthening immune systems, that is their primary form of treatment so they usually have lots of experience with supplements and many have a store you can buy them from at their office (or they can tell you where to get whatever it is). Avoid giving anything made for humans or dogs unless a vet has given you directions to do it and how to do it - formulations are different for cats and giving them something made for humans or other animals can poison them.

    • Don't know about vitamins, but when one of my foster kittens got ringworm (the others were negative) we put him on Lysine gel. He still gets it and he's been ringworm-free for months now.