How do I know if a dog has completely recovered from coccidia?

I had a stool sample done of my dog when i noticed watery dirrehea with lots of mucus and some blood. That was last wednesday. I have not put him on any kind of medication like Albon and Flagyl and for the last two days, his stool has been firm and he…

    How do I know if a dog has completely recovered from coccidia?

    I had a stool sample done of my dog when i noticed watery dirrehea with lots of mucus and some blood. That was last wednesday. I have not put him on any kind of medication like Albon and Flagyl and for the last two days, his stool has been firm and he…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I know if a dog has completely recovered from coccidia?...

    • How do I know if a dog has completely recovered from coccidia?

      How do I know if a dog has completely recovered from coccidia? General Dog Discussions
      I had a stool sample done of my dog when i noticed watery dirrehea with lots of mucus and some blood. That was last wednesday. I have not put him on any kind of medication like Albon and Flagyl and for the last two days, his stool has been firm and he has stopped vomiting. Is this a sign that his immune system has recovered from the coccidia by itself? Or is it by nature of this parasite to act up and then become dormant, and then act up again?

      How do I know if a dog has completely recovered from coccidia?

      How do I know if a dog has completely recovered from coccidia? General Dog Discussions
    • coccidia effects mostly puppies. when they get stressed their immune system weakens andthey fall ill. If your dog wasn't on any meds and he got well quickly chances are his system took care of the issue. it is not often an older puppy falls prey to coccidia, that's not to say it never happens its just that an older pup or dog in good health can over come when a five week old would die. Just to be safe I would take your guy to the vet for a check up Inform the doc of what happened an have him check it out it is better to be safe than sorry.