My friends dog was diagnosed with lymphoma?

She is being treated, but today after leaving the vet she started vomitting. Is there anything we can do for her?yes. im aware she is dying. thanks.They just changed the meds today. Im actually more curious if theres something you can give dogs to calm…

    My friends dog was diagnosed with lymphoma?

    She is being treated, but today after leaving the vet she started vomitting. Is there anything we can do for her?yes. im aware she is dying. thanks.They just changed the meds today. Im actually more curious if theres something you can give dogs to calm…...
    General Dog Discussions : My friends dog was diagnosed with lymphoma?...

    • My friends dog was diagnosed with lymphoma?

      My friends dog was diagnosed with lymphoma? General Dog Discussions
      She is being treated, but today after leaving the vet she started vomitting. Is there anything we can do for her?yes. im aware she is dying. thanks.They just changed the meds today. Im actually more curious if theres something you can give dogs to calm them, or if there is anything WE can do.

      My friends dog was diagnosed with lymphoma?

      My friends dog was diagnosed with lymphoma? General Dog Discussions
    • Sorry to hear about the bad news. Based on the limited details you gave, I am assuming she is having some vomiting issues due to the chemotherapy drugs. Unless the veterinarian gave you specific drugs to help curb vomiting, there aren't many safe products over the counter to stop vomiting in dogs. Pepto and like drugs unfortunately contain salicylates which are aspirin like drugs. They can cause clotting problems and should not be used, especially when using drugs that can suppress the immune system. The best bet would probably be to with-hold food and water, but give ice cubes to lick on, or possibly pedialyte (infant electrolyte formula) that has been frozen as a slushy. As soon as their regular veterinarian is open, get a prescription for a cancer antinausea medication such as ondansetron or cerenia (maropitant). Hope this helps some.