My dog's nose is running and he cried(tears only) a little bit this morning. What's up?

My mom says that the wind does that to her(my dog), and that it might be a congonctivitis. My dog is a 1 year old Border Collie if that might help...Thanx!

    My dog's nose is running and he cried(tears only) a little bit this morning. What's up?

    My mom says that the wind does that to her(my dog), and that it might be a congonctivitis. My dog is a 1 year old Border Collie if that might help...Thanx!...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog's nose is running and he cried(tears only) a little bit this morning. What's up?...

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    • My dog's nose is running and he cried(tears only) a little bit this morning. What's up?

      My dog's nose is running and he cried(tears only) a little bit this morning. What's up? General Dog Discussions
      My mom says that the wind does that to her(my dog), and that it might be a congonctivitis. My dog is a 1 year old Border Collie if that might help...Thanx!

      My dog's nose is running and he cried(tears only) a little bit this morning. What's up?

      My dog's nose is running and he cried(tears only) a little bit this morning. What's up? General Dog Discussions