How much time does my Pomeranian have left?

He seems to have Canine Immunodeficiency Disorder. Either that or he has a tumor in his nose. Essentially he sneezes constantly when excited, his nose is chipping and he has gum disease. He is 11 years old. I love him and I want to know if I should start…

    How much time does my Pomeranian have left?

    He seems to have Canine Immunodeficiency Disorder. Either that or he has a tumor in his nose. Essentially he sneezes constantly when excited, his nose is chipping and he has gum disease. He is 11 years old. I love him and I want to know if I should start…...
    General Dog Discussions : How much time does my Pomeranian have left?...

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    • How much time does my Pomeranian have left?

      How much time does my Pomeranian have left? General Dog Discussions
      He seems to have Canine Immunodeficiency Disorder. Either that or he has a tumor in his nose. Essentially he sneezes constantly when excited, his nose is chipping and he has gum disease. He is 11 years old. I love him and I want to know if I should start expecting him to go or if we should consider putting him down. My parents refuse to pay for medical attention.I'm fully aware that it's a crime. Actually, in my state it's a felony but there's no convincing my parents. I've tried, it's out of my hands.

      How much time does my Pomeranian have left?

      How much time does my Pomeranian have left? General Dog Discussions
    • In many places it is a crime to withhold medical attention for your dog. Your parents should take the dog to a vet who can help you determine what can be done for your Pom.

    • There is no way of telling without a real Veterinary diagnosis. Discuss this with a trusted relative or close family friend who is an animal lover, See if they will take the poor dog to the Vet for treatment and let you pay them back with your allowance.