what is the strangest way your dog has let you know that something is wrong, with him/her?

When my dog was about 6 months old, she jumped into the shower, and pissed blood. I knew right away she had a bladder infection, so off to the vet we went. And not to mention it seemed she couldn't get her bladder completely empty. But that was a little…

    what is the strangest way your dog has let you know that something is wrong, with him/her?

    When my dog was about 6 months old, she jumped into the shower, and pissed blood. I knew right away she had a bladder infection, so off to the vet we went. And not to mention it seemed she couldn't get her bladder completely empty. But that was a little…...
    General Dog Discussions : what is the strangest way your dog has let you know that something is wrong, with him/her?...

    • what is the strangest way your dog has let you know that something is wrong, with him/her?

      what is the strangest way your dog has let you know that something is wrong, with him/her? General Dog Discussions
      When my dog was about 6 months old, she jumped into the shower, and pissed blood. I knew right away she had a bladder infection, so off to the vet we went. And not to mention it seemed she couldn't get her bladder completely empty. But that was a little over a 2 years ago.

      what is the strangest way your dog has let you know that something is wrong, with him/her?

      what is the strangest way your dog has let you know that something is wrong, with him/her? General Dog Discussions
    • usually when there is something wrong with my dog she will just lay there. She wont do anything. Wont run around with me or listen when it is time for dinner or anything. So I took her to the vet and she had to flu. I didn't that dogs could get the flu but she did. Also when she got pregnant she did the same thing and then we found out she was having puppies. But I know that different dogs do different things. Like when my friends dog doesn't feel well he will get up on the furniture which he never does and always wants to be with people or else he will cry.