What antibiotic did your vet give your dog for parvo?

When you took your dog to the vet for parvo, what did he give you besides an IV?

    What antibiotic did your vet give your dog for parvo?

    When you took your dog to the vet for parvo, what did he give you besides an IV?...
    General Dog Discussions : What antibiotic did your vet give your dog for parvo?...

    • What antibiotic did your vet give your dog for parvo?

      What antibiotic did your vet give your dog for parvo? General Dog Discussions
      When you took your dog to the vet for parvo, what did he give you besides an IV?

      What antibiotic did your vet give your dog for parvo?

      What antibiotic did your vet give your dog for parvo? General Dog Discussions
    • Parvo is a virus. Its full common name is parvovirus.It cannot be treated with an antibiotic.Vaccination before the age of 3 months is the only form of treatment to be relatively successful.If your dog has Parvo, I suggest you take it to a vet for treatment soon ---ooops no, I didn't mean soon. I meant NOW!!! Do not delay.

    • There are many different ones given.Clavomox is very popular but no different than amoxicillan.Antibiotics are only given to prevent them from getting a bacterial virus while in the vets office. Metro is given to settle the stomach and intestines from the virus. Such as you would take pepto or kaopectate. Both of which can be given if you treat at home.Added:Driver you are wrong. Vaccinations are not a treatment it is only a POSSIBLE prevention.

    • My vet gave my dogs IV fluids, Ampicillin injections, Chlorpromazine injections and Metronidazole injects and pills to take home. Also gave me Science Diet Prescription ID food. It's basically a bland diet that is comparable to rice and chicken but that's only to be given once a dog doesn't vomit for 24 hours.I am sure medication varies with each vet. The problem with Parvo is there is no cure so they just treat the symptoms. Something to fight off bacteria, something for nausea and diarrhea and that's really all they can do.They do give antibiotics to fight off any secondary infections that dogs get from Parvo. While what people are saying is right that antibiotics won't help parvo because it's a virus, most dogs die from dehydration and secondary infections caused by bacteria.Hope this helps