How do I keep my dog safe while getting rid of roaches?

I am moving to a new apartment because the apartment I have now has a severe roach problem. We are getting the new place sprayed as soon as we move in to kill anything that we might have brought with us. I am worried about my chihuahua getting sick from…

    How do I keep my dog safe while getting rid of roaches?

    I am moving to a new apartment because the apartment I have now has a severe roach problem. We are getting the new place sprayed as soon as we move in to kill anything that we might have brought with us. I am worried about my chihuahua getting sick from…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I keep my dog safe while getting rid of roaches?...

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    • How do I keep my dog safe while getting rid of roaches?

      How do I keep my dog safe while getting rid of roaches? General Dog Discussions
      I am moving to a new apartment because the apartment I have now has a severe roach problem. We are getting the new place sprayed as soon as we move in to kill anything that we might have brought with us. I am worried about my chihuahua getting sick from it.

      How do I keep my dog safe while getting rid of roaches?

      How do I keep my dog safe while getting rid of roaches? General Dog Discussions
    • My house is sprayed every other month for roaches, etc. I have never had a problem with any of my dogs but I do remove my Frenchie for a couple of hours.If you are hesitant about your Chi, see if a friend can keep her for a day or so or consider leaving her boarded at your vet's office.