how would i know if my dog is having problems giving birth?

My dog has been in labor for 4 hours and no puppies yet? How long is a normal delivery? How will I know if she is having a problem?

    how would i know if my dog is having problems giving birth?

    My dog has been in labor for 4 hours and no puppies yet? How long is a normal delivery? How will I know if she is having a problem?...
    General Dog Discussions : how would i know if my dog is having problems giving birth?...

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    • how would i know if my dog is having problems giving birth?

      how would i know if my dog is having problems giving birth? General Dog Discussions
      My dog has been in labor for 4 hours and no puppies yet? How long is a normal delivery? How will I know if she is having a problem?

      how would i know if my dog is having problems giving birth?

      how would i know if my dog is having problems giving birth? General Dog Discussions
    • *Sigh* another irresponsible backyard breeder. Perhaps you should have thought of this BEFORE breeding your dog. You should at least have a breeding mentor to help you with this stuff. Call your vet and ask.

    • Do youeven know what actual labor is vs prelabor? Of course you don't - that would have taken a little bit of effort on your part. If she's in actual labor for 4 hours, she's at least 2 hours past the point where a caring owner would have taken her to an emergency vet

    • Don't you love it when ppl avoid answering your questions with judgment? A first stage labor in a dog can last as long as 6-12 hours with mild contractions. However, if her sack breaks, you'll want to see a puppy born no later than 2 hours after. Once the first is born, puppies should continue to be born no more than one hour apart. When my miniature dachshund started labor, it was really mild but I knew something was up based on her behaviour, however, it started at 9 pm and I went to bed. Once I got up at 1:00 am to check on her she had delivered her first pup so for the next 3 1/2 hours I stayed up with her (which isn't easy when you have a 4 year old and a 10 month old), she delivered her pups with about 10-20 mins, poor thing had 8. It's a good idea to stay with her, usually about 95% of the time a dog will deliver without complications on their own. But just to be safe, monitor it. My Lady had two puppies' umbilical cords tangled, and the first pulled out the other at right after and the second was stuck halfway breeched so I had to cut the umbilical cords myself and ease the puppy out but quickly since she was no longer in her placenta. When an emergency as such occurs you have to think to yourself, you can't kill a dead puppy. The little one was born healthy and still is, but if I freaked out and was too afraid to injure it by pulling it out manually she would have died. If you're worried about your dog you can call the vet with your questions, they'll talk you through it.