My beloved dog died last Sunday. What can I do to honor her memory and thank her for being my best friend?

She was a yellow lab and wasn't even 5 years old. She died of liver failure completely unexpectedly. I am having such a hard time dealing with it because I am a stay at home mom and I was with her all the time every day. I'd like to do something that…

    My beloved dog died last Sunday. What can I do to honor her memory and thank her for being my best friend?

    She was a yellow lab and wasn't even 5 years old. She died of liver failure completely unexpectedly. I am having such a hard time dealing with it because I am a stay at home mom and I was with her all the time every day. I'd like to do something that…...
    General Dog Discussions : My beloved dog died last Sunday. What can I do to honor her memory and thank her for being my best friend?...

    • My beloved dog died last Sunday. What can I do to honor her memory and thank her for being my best friend?

      My beloved dog died last Sunday. What can I do to honor her memory and thank her for being my best friend? General Dog Discussions
      She was a yellow lab and wasn't even 5 years old. She died of liver failure completely unexpectedly. I am having such a hard time dealing with it because I am a stay at home mom and I was with her all the time every day. I'd like to do something that will honor her, but can't think of anything aside from just planting a tree. Any ideas?

      My beloved dog died last Sunday. What can I do to honor her memory and thank her for being my best friend?

      My beloved dog died last Sunday. What can I do to honor her memory and thank her for being my best friend? General Dog Discussions
    • Anytime one of my friends has a death in their family I buy a plant or tree so that they can plant it outside and remember that person/pet forever. Its nice to look outside and see something so full of life to represent a lost loved one. Why dont you go buy a pretty tree and plant it over your dogs grave? You'll always remember her as the seasons change and the tree transforms. Life to remember life is the most beautiful thing!

    • Depending on what your town has to offer consider getting a memorial bench for her, or something similar to that. Planting a tree is a great idea and many parks (dog parks included) offer memorial trees (trees that you can plant with the help of the city and are adorned with a plaque celebrating your dog's life).Edit: Added:Get a tattoo of your dog, something that'll always be with you. Or get a framed print of happy times with your pooch.

    • have a memorial for her. like at her favorite dog park, or beach. let the kids make a scrapbook of all the great memories you guys had with her.the tree isn't such a bad idea either, as the tree grows your beloved yellow lab lives on. plus, it's somewhere for your kids to go to visit her. I'm sorry for your loss.

    • Spiritual actions are of much more source than material.Your strong emotion and memory you still feel for your excellent companion are honor itself and it means much more than burying its body under the ground.In the material world dead ones vanish,but in the spiritual world emotions live for an eternity.Keep a good place in your spiritual world for your beloved pet and I believe that it would be the best...for both of you.

    • I'm so sorry for your loss. I know what it feels like to lose a best friend like that. I did a tribute to her and buried her, a ceremony the works. It takes time to deal with the loss of such a great companion. You can get a new dog but it wont be like the original. Thats up to you. My condolences.

    • You should get a portrait of your lab tattooed on your body. It's the best way to comemorate someone you've lost. Even though they can't be "in person" looking at the picture will help you feel like she's still with you. Losing a pet is a tough deal, especially when she was your best friend.

    • You could always donate to a rescue or more specifically a Lab Rescue in her name. I also saw recently on the AKC website an urn for your dog, if you are wanting to do something like that. It was really nice and tasteful. I am sorry to hear for your loss, I hope things look up soon.

    • First of all, you should not get a new dog yet!You are just getting over what happened and I think a tree is a great idea and you could also bury a little box with a few pictures and toys of hers. She was you're best friend and I think and even though most think she is just I dog it doesn't matter. So do what you're dog would have wanted you to do!

    • I think planting a tree is a lovely idea, you could let the kids pick one out (a fruit tree would be nice and the kids would love getting the fruit from it), let them help you plant it and be involved.I also think it would help you if you could help at your local shelter, even if it is walking 1 dog they would really appreciate it and it would make you feel good too x

    • Im sorry to hear of your loss, pets truly are members of the family. You can honor her memory by making a trust fund in her name that could benefit local vet hospitals and shelters. Or in your back yard make a serenity garden with a tree, some flowers, a bench and plague with her picture on it. Also to thank her for being such a loyal friend to you and your family, you may want to adopt another dog or get into a lab rescue group? On her birthday celebrate her life with your family with a nice dinner and toasting to her memory. I truly hope these help, and I hope that you will find peace in the coming days.

    • I have a 17 year old wolf hybrid named Big Boy and he is winding down. He's still healthy and active, but doesn't have the same energy level he had for so long. He doesn't chase a ball anymore or play tug. He still walks with me every morning and enjoys the occasional short hike or swim. We just go at a slower pace.I think I've already begun the mourning process. Some nights when he's at my side sleeping, I scratch his head while looking through all the photos I have of him. I'm pulling out my favorites and getting them ready for a scrapbook. He may very well be with me for a few more years, but when his time comes I'll post the scrapbook for all our friends and family to see. Then I'll take my new dog out and show him all the places Big Boy and I used to love.