My beloved dog died last Sunday. What can I do to honor her memory and thank her for being my best friend?

She was a yellow lab and wasn't even 5 years old. She died of liver failure completely unexpectedly. I am having such a hard time dealing with it because I am a stay at home mom and I was with her all the time every day. I'd like to do something that…

    My beloved dog died last Sunday. What can I do to honor her memory and thank her for being my best friend?

    She was a yellow lab and wasn't even 5 years old. She died of liver failure completely unexpectedly. I am having such a hard time dealing with it because I am a stay at home mom and I was with her all the time every day. I'd like to do something that…...
    General Dog Discussions : My beloved dog died last Sunday. What can I do to honor her memory and thank her for being my best friend?...

    • .I had my dog for 12 years before she passed away, it's heart wrenching. I buried mine in the back yard with her favorite blanket, bone and ball. I built a cross and put it on her grave. What I planted on top of it was bleeding hearts because it felt like my heart was torn out. It has been 8 years since she passed, I now have another dog, the same breed, but there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about her. I feel for you, good luck.

    • I am terribly sorry for your loss. She was blessed to be part of your life and you hers. Memories are the best thing to keep you going. Now on to your question, There is a poem called Rainbow Bridge Poem. Look it up. Some websites offer to take a picture you send then and place it on the plaque with the poem. You can also get a stepping stone (at most pet stores) to remember your puppy. Some can be engraved etc. Plus, I know that there are websites dedicated to pet grief where you can talk to others about your beloved pet and them theirs.A comforting thought, I know it works as it has happened to me--She will be and is with you all the time. You just can't see her. You are connected by spirit and love. I have many of my animals come visit from time to time. It is usually when I am feeling down. It will take time to be over your grief. It took me 4 1/2 yrs before I was ready for another dog. I am very happy with my new fur child. She has her predecessor's name, just spelled differently. Good luck

    • Put together a scrap book, a memorial cabinet with pictures and her favorite toys. Did you have her cremated? If so, you can put some of her cremains in a locket and wear around your neck and should would always be with you. Sorry to hear about your loss. My 12 yr old pom died 2 years ago and these are some of the things that I did in her honor.

    • Make a donation in her name to a lab rescue to help another sick lab. There are tons of sick labbies that need help. You could help save one of their lives. That would be a huge honor to her. Then when you are ready, maybe you could foster a lab that needs someone like you, who knows the breed and get him or her ready for their new home. Maybe that dog is ill or maybe it just needs to get out of a shelter to make room for another labby to come in. You could be saving 2 lives.I know it's hard to lose a baby. I'm so sorry for your loss. I have 4 labs and I lost my beloved girl to cancer 4 years ago. I still miss her. However when we lost her, we fostered another dog that needed us. I'd like to think that her leaving us was for a reason. I think she gave us to those other dogs. She made room in our family for other dogs to live there. Since Lily died, we adopted 3 other labs. When she died, we only had her and another lab pup. Things happen for a reason.... sometimes you don't know what it is... I miss her every day, but I'm grateful for the new babies in our home. Without her leaving, I wouldn't have them. She gave us that gift - and it was a gift of love. I am thankful to her for them.... If that makes sense. All 3 of them are her legacy to us. Once again I'm really sorry for your loss.

    • Don't get another dog until your ready. When I lost my dog of 12 years, it was one of the hardest times in my life. I felt like I was dying inside. I adopted 2 kitties, and ya know that was the best thing ever for me, not for you maybe though. Then when the time was right I stumbled upon the sweetest little dog in the world. she is so much like my old dog, I think it happened for a reason. But I would donate some time to the local animal shelter or rescue groups or maybe just help buy some food. help financially with getting a neighbors animal spayed or neutered. lots of things you can do. Think of some things that will make you feel like you are contributing to the welfare of animals, they count on us for everything! I believe that our pets are waiting for us to be reunited some day over rainbow bridge! Good luck and take it one day at a time, everything happens for a reason!

    • You recieved lots of great answers, any of which would be great. Rainbow Bridge is a great site to create an online memorial for your beloved pet. There is also a beautiful poem there. I cry each time I read it.The memorial you can create can be changed for holidays, birthdays or anything. You also get to write a letter to your pet to be displayed. I browse through some of those memorials time to time and they really touch my heart. I can only imagine what it would do for you.http://www.rainbowbridge.comI am so sorry for your loss.

    • go to your local animal shelter and adopt a dog who needs you. If you just aren't quite ready yetmake a donation in your pets name. helping other animals in her name is the greatest honor you can give

    • You could do what I did when my dog went to the Rainbow Bridge. Write a tribute to her. E-mail it to your family, post it online if you want, but I can say from experience that writing a tribute to my dog helped a lot.