Is it possible to buy dog vaccines online from another country and have them shipped to the UK?

My partner and I have kept and bred dogs for 17 years and have spent a fortune in vets bills for vaccinations. We are both medically trained and would love to be able to buy vaccines online and administer them ourselves but this is not possible in the UK…

    Is it possible to buy dog vaccines online from another country and have them shipped to the UK?

    My partner and I have kept and bred dogs for 17 years and have spent a fortune in vets bills for vaccinations. We are both medically trained and would love to be able to buy vaccines online and administer them ourselves but this is not possible in the UK…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is it possible to buy dog vaccines online from another country and have them shipped to the UK?...

    • Is it possible to buy dog vaccines online from another country and have them shipped to the UK?

      Is it possible to buy dog vaccines online from another country and have them shipped to the UK? General Dog Discussions
      My partner and I have kept and bred dogs for 17 years and have spent a fortune in vets bills for vaccinations. We are both medically trained and would love to be able to buy vaccines online and administer them ourselves but this is not possible in the UK without a prescription. Are there any other countries which sell and ship to the UK without prescription?

      Is it possible to buy dog vaccines online from another country and have them shipped to the UK?

      Is it possible to buy dog vaccines online from another country and have them shipped to the UK? General Dog Discussions