What do vets usually do in a vet clinic?

Like we all know they treat animals and stuff but they do other things like run tests and talk to clients, can you think of any other things a vet might do in a clinic?

    What do vets usually do in a vet clinic?

    Like we all know they treat animals and stuff but they do other things like run tests and talk to clients, can you think of any other things a vet might do in a clinic?...
    General Dog Discussions : What do vets usually do in a vet clinic?...

    • What do vets usually do in a vet clinic?

      What do vets usually do in a vet clinic? General Dog Discussions
      Like we all know they treat animals and stuff but they do other things like run tests and talk to clients, can you think of any other things a vet might do in a clinic?

      What do vets usually do in a vet clinic?

      What do vets usually do in a vet clinic? General Dog Discussions
    • Yeah, summed up in 1 sentence - vets treat pets and talk to the owners. That's it.Cleaning is a nearly constant pass time in a vet clinic, but that's done by assistants and/or kennel helpers.Paperwork is also done, billing, payroll, paying utilities, etc, but that's done by the office manager.

    • In my personal experience shadowing and working at different vet clinics, it really depends on the clinic. It also depends on what type of animals are treated (cats only, cats and dogs, other small pocket pets, horses, etc,.) what their day to day duties are with treatments. There are also many other types of veterinarians that don't work in clinics and may be involved in research or caring for lab animals or being involved in ensuring food safety or looking at samples under a microscope all day or performing necropsies (animal autopsies) or working at a zoo or working at an animal shelter or they may be a specialist who sees patients that other vets refer for specific problems related to their field (cardiologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, dermatologist...) . The career is very diverse! Base on your question, I think you want to know more about a typical small animal hospital that handles most routine care for those animals though and not other species or settings, such as an emergency clinic. The typical dog and cat vet can vary quite a bit as well, depending on the practice. Some clinics have technicians that do more than others. In some clinics the vet will do most of the animal treatments (vaccines, tests, prepping an animal for surgery, administering IV fluids, etc,.) and in others technicians will do most of this work. Most small animal vets will see appointments, do exams on patients, discuss the patient's history with the owner, decide on treatments for patients, prescribe drugs, perform basic surgeries (spay/neuter, dental extractions, mass removal, other surgeries depending on the vet- some surgeries are referred to veterinary surgeons), decide what blood work and tests should be run (they may or may not run the lab/blood work themselves- technicians may run it at the clinic or it may be sent to a veterinary lab), read results of tests (some tests may also be sent out to veterinary pathologists who are board certified and will be able to give the clinic vet more information on samples taken from the patient), euthanize animals when it is necessary, interpret radiographs, make many phone calls to clients to discuss results of tests and decide what treatment should be done after getting these results, and write detailed medical records for each patient.If the clinic vet owns the practice then there will be other duties that come along with running a business on top of duties as a veterinarian, even if there is a hired practice manager.I'm sure there is more and, as I said before, it depends on the clinic (and even the individual vet) with what services are offered and the how much the technicians do.If you want more information, a good place to start would be with the bureau of labor page, this will give you information on what other types of vets do and other information (there are tabs at the top of the page to look at salary, what is required to become a vet, and more) so check it out if you want to know more!http://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/veterinarians.htm#tab-2Hope this helps!Jenn