How do I get my dog to be healthy and happy?

She's a German Shepherd, and she was being poisoned by a neighbor. She lost a lot of fur and weight. We recently moved away from there because of that problem. How do we get her all fixed up? (She's also depressed from losing all of her puppies. And, to…

    How do I get my dog to be healthy and happy?

    She's a German Shepherd, and she was being poisoned by a neighbor. She lost a lot of fur and weight. We recently moved away from there because of that problem. How do we get her all fixed up? (She's also depressed from losing all of her puppies. And, to…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I get my dog to be healthy and happy?...

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    • How do I get my dog to be healthy and happy?

      How do I get my dog to be healthy and happy? General Dog Discussions
      She's a German Shepherd, and she was being poisoned by a neighbor. She lost a lot of fur and weight. We recently moved away from there because of that problem. How do we get her all fixed up? (She's also depressed from losing all of her puppies. And, to all of you morons who think animals don't experience emotions like humans, you're wrong. You don't know how wrong you are.)She's fully trained. Do you think we should get her spayed?

      How do I get my dog to be healthy and happy?

      How do I get my dog to be healthy and happy? General Dog Discussions