My dog was recently attacked by a pitbull terrier Do you think that pitbulls are instinctivly aggressive?

My dog weighs 12lbs and the pit bull weighs about 60 pounds. My dog barely lived. We took all the measures and contacted animal control, and the people we rent from. the owners of the other dog did not have their dog on a leash. Did we do the right…

    My dog was recently attacked by a pitbull terrier Do you think that pitbulls are instinctivly aggressive?

    My dog weighs 12lbs and the pit bull weighs about 60 pounds. My dog barely lived. We took all the measures and contacted animal control, and the people we rent from. the owners of the other dog did not have their dog on a leash. Did we do the right…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog was recently attacked by a pitbull terrier Do you think that pitbulls are instinctivly aggressive?...

    • My dog was recently attacked by a pitbull terrier Do you think that pitbulls are instinctivly aggressive?

      My dog was recently attacked by a pitbull terrier Do you think that pitbulls are instinctivly aggressive? General Dog Discussions
      My dog weighs 12lbs and the pit bull weighs about 60 pounds. My dog barely lived. We took all the measures and contacted animal control, and the people we rent from. the owners of the other dog did not have their dog on a leash. Did we do the right thing? How would u have handled it. Do u think the dog will attack again or go after a human?The owners of the pitbull have agreed to pay the vet bill.yes my dog was on a leash, and interesting fact is that the dogs have seen each other in the area before and never payed each other any mind but for some reason on this particular night when we took our dog out to use the restroom this dog just came at my dog right in fornt of the owner. the owner tried to pry his dogs jaws aprt and was bitten and was unsuccessful, and a guy out of nowhere came and punched the pitbull in the back of the head and the pitbull finally released my dog but tried to attack again. the owner dragged the dog back to his place.They are being cited for having the dog off the leash, and it acting aggressively toward another dog, they apartments we live in are making them find a new home for the dog as well.both dogs are female and spayed the pit bull is 2 years old and my dog is 6 months old.

      My dog was recently attacked by a pitbull terrier Do you think that pitbulls are instinctivly aggressive?

      My dog was recently attacked by a pitbull terrier Do you think that pitbulls are instinctivly aggressive? General Dog Discussions
    • It is not likely to go after a human, unless the human is trying to rescue their dog from it..However, he will attack a dog again..That was the primary function of the breed..You did the right thing! The owner is also liable for your vet bills, if your dog was on a leash or in your yard..

    • I think pit bulls are instintly cruel dogs, but I also think Dogs do the alpha roll more than any other species,, same as coyotes and wolves, they are aggressive and try to become the leader of the " pack"

    • I think it is the owners problem not the dogs. I think any animal would be agressive if situations are right. They are just protective. This is a good quality to have in a watch dog etc. It just need to be channeled. You did right in reporting them though.

    • I have 2 pit bulls and they are the biggest babies in the world. It all does depend on how you raise them, but in some cases the fighting gene is still deeply embedded in their heads. Sometimes something will set them off, but they were bred for aggression towards other dogs, not humans. They are very loyal and loving towards their owners and nice to other people. Most even love children. Obviously these people didn't socialize their dog properly when it was younger, so it may be dangerous. You made the right choice, but trust me, not all pit bulls are like that.

    • NO they are not instinctivly aggressive, i have 2, and my female was 6 months old and never been around cats and guess what shes 1/12 yrs old now and her best friend is a cat, they will play with each other and massage each other, never had a problem, i just got a male pit he is 8 months old, had him about 2 wks and same situation, haven't had a problem, u show pits love thats what they give back, however as with ANY dog if they have never been around other dogs then they may not get along with them,, but that is any dog and not just the breed

    • > Did we do the right thing?Did you get your dog's medical bills paid for by the owners of the other dog? If not, go for it. Take them to small claims court if necessary.> Do u think the dog will attack again Only if his owners let him off the leash again, or let him run loose. If you ever see that dog running loose, get to a phone and call Animal Control. If you see him off his leash, yell at the owners

    • Yes, to all your questions. Pit Bulls are inherrently aggresive. People bred them to fight other Bull Terriers in pits. Hence the "Pit" in their name. You will find that most of their owners have a mean streak in them. Why anyone want to own a Pit Bull is beyond me, unless it's a reflection of their own personality.

    • Unfortunately you can predict any animals behavior, and there's always an exception.But moreso unfortunately, pits are more likely to attack unsuspecting.... than other animals. Statistics prove this.(Dogs more than humans)

    • yes pit bulls are bred to catch and hold their pray so even if a particular pit bull is not aggressive when it does bite it does a lot of damage because their teeth seem to be sharper and their jaws lock. Pit bulls are used in hunting hogs and bears so they are naturally aggressive

    • I don't think pitbulls are instinctively aggressive. I think that there are dogs of all breeds that are naturally more aggressive than others. It is the responsibility of every dog owner to control their pets. You did the right thing to report this attack to the authorities. It will put this dog and it's owners on their radar, so that hopefully this pitbull doesn't have the opportunity to attack any one else, whether another dog or a human.

    • pitbulls are, unfortunately, instinctively aggressive, yes. they have been bred over centuries to fight other dogs and therefore some of them have lost the instinct not to hurt another animal without provocation. i dare say that one might attack again, possibly even a human, so you did the right thing calling animal control. that doesn't mean, btw, that all pitbulls are dangerous, but it does mean that pitbulls need very responsible owners who know how to bring them up the right way. then they can be as nice and cuddly as any dog, but not all owners want that i guess... :(

    • SOME Pit Bulls are naturally animal aggressive.I am sorry to hear about your dog. Just keep in mind that most Pits are not aggressive at all. Sadly due to dog fighting they have a high prey drive and can attack. (However Any dog of Any breed can attack) Dogs who are not fixed are 10 times more likely to attack another dog or human. Dogs who are chained outside are more likely to attack. Pit Bulls are not the only dogs who bite. I am sick of people acting like they are. Pit Bulls are not a breed that should be owned by just anyone. However that does not mean they are vicious or dangerous. They just need special care and guidlines, because they are very powerful. Sadly that is why many people own them and in the end either the dog or the owner ends up suffering. That is why BSL does not work. Put responsibility into the owners hands rather than banning an entire breed. Does this mean this dog will attack a human? NO. animal aggression is not the same as human aggression. Actually sense Pits had to work very closely with there owners they were bred to be very responsive and obdient to their owners. Is it possible for this dog to attack another dog? Yes. If the owners are that irresponsible (which is a scary thing) then yes. It was the owners of this dog who are at fault and they should be punished with fines or jail time. I would certainly expect the owners to pay your vet bills etc. Yes you did the right thing. "Why anyone want to own a Pit Bull is beyond me, unless it's a reflection of their own personality"I personally am offended by this comment. Pit Bulls are great dogs. You obviously do not know what you are talking about. I am a Pit owner and lover. I do not fight my dogs nor do I abuse them. I do not hide behind them for power. I love the breed and that is why I own one. No other reason. Please check out this site to learn the truth about this breed. The good and the bad. BSL! It is breed discrimination.Did you know that Pit Bulls are the number one abused dog breed in America. Over 1 million Pits are euthanized every year.Only 1 out of 9 Pit Bulls will live out there natural lifeAccording to the American Temparment Society Pit Bulls have a higher passing rate for temparment than many breeds to. They scored at 83.5% passing. Please do not let this cloud your judgement on this wonderful breed.

    • first pitbulls are not instinctivly aggressive but they are a terrier and terriers were bred to hunt small prey....without proper training and socialization these natural instincts are more prone to come out ....any pitbull owner should ALWAYS be responsible and have their dog on a leash...hopefully the owners have realized their mistake and will be more responsible in the future...if the dog isnt properly leashed or fenced yes it may attack another small animal but I very seriously doubt it will go after a human unless the owners have trained it to act aggressively toward humans..please dont judge all pitbulls by this one unfortunate incident

    • I think that aggressive pit bulls are the result of environment and expectations/desires of the owners. In major cities, people don't look to buy pit bulls because they want a lap dog. They get a dog that, with proper love and care, would make a happy companion. However, because the would-be owners want a "tough" guard dog, they train it to be tough and to guard. There are also people that engage them in dog fighting where they must fight for their lives. Why does it surprise us when they become aggressive in response to these demands? This is where responsible breeders are so important...they screen out people who do not have the dog's best interest at heart. There are leash laws and, in your instance, the other dog should have been on one. This was not the dog's was the owner's. Instead of deciding whether to euthanize the dog, we should be deciding what punishment to impose upon the owners after the dog is removed from their irresponsible care. I strongly believe that not everyone who wants a dog should be allowed to own one.