How long does a dog recover from Ivermectin Toxicity?!?

My 4 mth old puppy had mites and was given ivermectin sat .17 w no signs of anything then Sunday morning .35 and by noon he was walking odd and had tremors. He has been at the vet during the day since Monday and now 24 hrs there. He is now blind and…

    How long does a dog recover from Ivermectin Toxicity?!?

    My 4 mth old puppy had mites and was given ivermectin sat .17 w no signs of anything then Sunday morning .35 and by noon he was walking odd and had tremors. He has been at the vet during the day since Monday and now 24 hrs there. He is now blind and…...
    General Dog Discussions : How long does a dog recover from Ivermectin Toxicity?!?...

    • How long does a dog recover from Ivermectin Toxicity?!?

      How long does a dog recover from Ivermectin Toxicity?!? General Dog Discussions
      My 4 mth old puppy had mites and was given ivermectin sat .17 w no signs of anything then Sunday morning .35 and by noon he was walking odd and had tremors. He has been at the vet during the day since Monday and now 24 hrs there. He is now blind and still having tremors. They took him off the muscle mess but they haven't gone away on there own. He still doesn't have site and won't eat and drink on his own either. His back legs are strong but his front are pretty limp. I know this takes days or even weeks but I'm scared he might not fully come back or ever get to come home. Could he be in this kind of state for days or weeks? Or should we be seeing significant progress by now? He is 15lbs and we believe a collie or Australian Shepard mix so he shouldn't have been given this medication to begin with.

      How long does a dog recover from Ivermectin Toxicity?!?

      How long does a dog recover from Ivermectin Toxicity?!? General Dog Discussions
    • Given that the incident of collies with the mrd1 mutation is extremely low, as well as the number of collies who do indeed have this mutation, i'm honestly not surprised your vet would suggest using ivomec for treatment of your pups mange. HOWEVER. if you and your vet suspected that your pup was indeed a mix likely to be collie, he should have suggested that there is a small chance that your pup may have the mdr1 mutation, and also told you of the other current mange treatments for you to decide whether you want to go the ivomec route or not. Added, this does not mean you shouldn't use heartworm preventatives with your pup. The preventatives were made with this issue in mind and its a very safe dose for even dogs with the mdr1 mutation. Now, about the recovery time. that i'm completely unsure of as I've never had such an incident. But i wish you luck and hope your pup gets back to normal!

    • I am so sorry. As you have found out the hard way, Ivermectin contains toxic chemicals that are very dangerous, especially for puppies. I do not understand why vets continue to prescribe these toxic medications when there are natural products that can cure mange without compromising the health and life of our pets. Hopefully your pup will recover copletely. For the benefit of others that may be facing the same issue with their dogs, mange is a skin condition caused by tiny mites that you can't see with the naked eye. Regardless of the type of mange, in order to cure it you need to treat with a medication that kills the mites.The mange medications most often prescribed by vets contain pesticides and other toxic chemicals that are detrimental to your dog's health with resulting health issues that you will have to face sooner or later. These medications include Ivermectin (also known as Ivomec) and Amitraz (also known as Mitaban). See the links that follow for toxicology information. It is always advisable to check the veterinary drug database for side effects of any medication prescribed by your vet Thankfully, there are a number of effective alternative treatments out there that are safe and natural at a reasonable cost that will kill the mites. You can easily do some research in the Internet to find out about these and compare your options.I prefer the 'spray type' because it is inexpensive, very effective, convenient to use (no mixing and no mess), and it is natural and harmless to pets and humans.Toxicity:\ spray: