My dog cannot finish chemo for Lymphoma, but is in remission. Can something else be given?

She had too many side effects, because she is a diabetic too. Thanks!

    My dog cannot finish chemo for Lymphoma, but is in remission. Can something else be given?

    She had too many side effects, because she is a diabetic too. Thanks!...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog cannot finish chemo for Lymphoma, but is in remission. Can something else be given?...

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    • My dog cannot finish chemo for Lymphoma, but is in remission. Can something else be given?

      My dog cannot finish chemo for Lymphoma, but is in remission. Can something else be given? General Dog Discussions
      She had too many side effects, because she is a diabetic too. Thanks!

      My dog cannot finish chemo for Lymphoma, but is in remission. Can something else be given?

      My dog cannot finish chemo for Lymphoma, but is in remission. Can something else be given? General Dog Discussions
    • This is a question that should be addressed to the vet who is caring for your dog. He is the only one familiar with her case and the only one that should make recommendations for her.