Am I reading my dog right when she is trying to tell me something about her newborn puppies?

My dog had puppies a couple of days ago. This morning she brought one upstairs into the room I was in and she got up on the bed and began to dig at the bed while wining. I made her a little puppy bed in the corner and brought her puppies up. Did i read…

    Am I reading my dog right when she is trying to tell me something about her newborn puppies?

    My dog had puppies a couple of days ago. This morning she brought one upstairs into the room I was in and she got up on the bed and began to dig at the bed while wining. I made her a little puppy bed in the corner and brought her puppies up. Did i read…...
    General Dog Discussions : Am I reading my dog right when she is trying to tell me something about her newborn puppies?...

    • Am I reading my dog right when she is trying to tell me something about her newborn puppies?

      Am I reading my dog right when she is trying to tell me something about her newborn puppies? General Dog Discussions
      My dog had puppies a couple of days ago. This morning she brought one upstairs into the room I was in and she got up on the bed and began to dig at the bed while wining. I made her a little puppy bed in the corner and brought her puppies up. Did i read her correctly or am I missing something?

      Am I reading my dog right when she is trying to tell me something about her newborn puppies?

      Am I reading my dog right when she is trying to tell me something about her newborn puppies? General Dog Discussions
    • If that stopped the behavior you just might have done the correct thing. If she keeps bringing you the same puppy, you might want to examine the puppy and see if you notice anything unusual about it.

    • if the puupy she brought you was the runt of the litter, she may be worried about it. it sounds like you did the right thing though. runts often die without any good explanation. they will just stop breathing, or not eat/latch on to eat and they die. i'd say keep an eye on it and make sure it is eating and going potty as much as the others. it could also be that she just trusts you and wants to spend time with you and her pups.

    • You said she had them a couple of days ago? Did you take the mother and her puppies to the vet yet? If not, it's very important that you do that. You need to have all of them checked and make sure everything is ok! There may be something medically wrong with this puppy and she may be trying to pass that message on to you.In all reality, she should not be allowed to roam around the house with puppies this young. She should be in another, quiet room, in a whelping box with her puppies. When you take her and her puppies to the vet, please schedule an appointment and have her Spayed, when the vet says it's safe!

    • It could have been too cold downstairs or something,, she wanted the pups upstairs. Or she absolutely loves you and wants the puppies near you as well. Keep a watchful eye on the one she brought you though, it could be because he's the runt, and needs extra attention. Good luck!