I want to know if our dog is in labor?

We are taking care of a friends dog and she is pregnant. She is breathing heavily, panting a lot, gets uncoftrable, wants a lot of attention, has mucus coming out of her volva, and licks herself a lot.

    I want to know if our dog is in labor?

    We are taking care of a friends dog and she is pregnant. She is breathing heavily, panting a lot, gets uncoftrable, wants a lot of attention, has mucus coming out of her volva, and licks herself a lot....
    General Dog Discussions : I want to know if our dog is in labor?...

    • I want to know if our dog is in labor?

      I want to know if our dog is in labor? General Dog Discussions
      We are taking care of a friends dog and she is pregnant. She is breathing heavily, panting a lot, gets uncoftrable, wants a lot of attention, has mucus coming out of her volva, and licks herself a lot.

      I want to know if our dog is in labor?

      I want to know if our dog is in labor? General Dog Discussions
    • if you see spots of blood then yes and if there is no problem with pushing the pupps out then she is fine and let nature play. if you are that worried then call a vet nd ask them the question over the phone

    • It sounds like it. Along with the other comments, watch that she begins to find a 'nesting' spot. Most dogs are strange and particular where they have their puppies, they will usually try to crawl under or behind something.

    • Sounds like labor, with the heavy panting and licking. Keep her as comfortable as you can, find her a place to nest and give her reassurance. When dogs are in labor, alot of times they will come to you, follow you, and stay near. It takes time..so don't be nervous for it will transfer to her.

    • she is in labor!!! my dog had puppies 3 weeks ago,and same symptoms as your friends dog,take her temp and if it is 98 she will have them within 12-24 hours.make her a nice bed some where quite and she will be come VERY protective over them,and since she is not your dog i would be very careful,she could bite you if you got by her puppies!!!!my dog only let me by the pups and no one else in the family!! even the nicest dog will bite...

    • Sounds like she's getting ready. Make sure she has water to drink so she doesn't get dehydrated. Stay near her. Call the vet if you've never been through this before. Once the puppies start coming, don't leave her alone. Get a clean, wet towel and sit with her. She may need help breaking the sacs. If you have to do that for her, you want to take the towel and rub the puppies' bottoms to stimulate them to potty. Brand new puppies are wonderful little things. Enjoy the experience.

    • She most certainly is going into labor. This takes time, however be mindful that things can go wrong with dogs just like with people. C-sections are somtimes needed if the puppies are stuck, or just too large for her to push out. Smaller breeds have a harder time with this, but some larger breeds do too. If you know approximately how many you are expecting (if the owners had Xrays done at the vet's) then this will help you know if they have all been born. I don't want to stress you out, but I've seen whole litter's die because people have waited too long to seek medical attention...Don't let this happen. Keep in contact with HER vet or YOUR vet. Good luck, and enjoy this wonderful experience. What a gift. ~V

    • She will get bigger around 4-5 weeks if she is a small dog or 5-8 weeks along if she is a bigger breed dog. She will get lazier and lay around more. She may get sick and vomit or experience a temperament change. Around 6 weeks they tend to lose their appetite for awhile. They want smaller meals and urinate more due to the growing uterus squishing everything else. They dig and scratch as if making a nest for their pups. Around the last week their nipples fill up with milk. If your female went into heat and didn't get bred she might still show all these signs without being pregnant. To rule out this "false pregnancy" for cheap you can get a dog pregnancy test at the vet for $20-$30. If you don't have the money for that you just have to wait and see if she has pups 58-66 days prior to mating. You need to be with your dog as she has pups and call the vet if something goes wrong. If you don't it could result in death. Labor includes pain and often the dog looks like she needs help when she really doesn't and people end up trying to help and messing everything up so you need to know what to expect. Good luck!

    • Yes, those are signs of labor. People make me so mad when they leave home when the3ir dog is getting ready to give birth. They need to be there in case the dog has any trouble. Good luck. Hope everything is okay./