5 year old basset hound will not stop whining?

she is spayed and whines all the time. We have 2other dogs that she always plays with. What to I do. She always goes for walks and is taken good care of.

    5 year old basset hound will not stop whining?

    she is spayed and whines all the time. We have 2other dogs that she always plays with. What to I do. She always goes for walks and is taken good care of....
    General Dog Discussions : 5 year old basset hound will not stop whining?...

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    • 5 year old basset hound will not stop whining?

      5 year old basset hound will not stop whining? General Dog Discussions
      she is spayed and whines all the time. We have 2other dogs that she always plays with. What to I do. She always goes for walks and is taken good care of.

      5 year old basset hound will not stop whining?

      5 year old basset hound will not stop whining? General Dog Discussions
    • Bassets are very prone to ear infections, which are very painful and hard for us to detect. Look in her ears- if they're red or smell funny, she's got a bad infection. She could have an infection, though, and not have these signs yet. It's best to see your vet.

    • If a hounds whines, usually they are nervous or scared. Does she do it non stop, or just in certain circumstances? Try to catch her when she whines - what is she doing? what are her surroundings? Maybe something is setting her off. a certain smell, or object.