Can you take your ferret out before vaccinations?

I've heard that with puppies/young dogs you're not supposed to take them outside at all unless they've had their vaccinations.Is this the same with ferrets since the vaccination is derived from the dog vaccine?What age are you supposed to have them…

    Can you take your ferret out before vaccinations?

    I've heard that with puppies/young dogs you're not supposed to take them outside at all unless they've had their vaccinations.Is this the same with ferrets since the vaccination is derived from the dog vaccine?What age are you supposed to have them…...
    General Dog Discussions : Can you take your ferret out before vaccinations?...

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    • Can you take your ferret out before vaccinations?

      Can you take your ferret out before vaccinations? General Dog Discussions
      I've heard that with puppies/young dogs you're not supposed to take them outside at all unless they've had their vaccinations.Is this the same with ferrets since the vaccination is derived from the dog vaccine?What age are you supposed to have them vaccinated? I'm sure it's supposed to be between 12 weeks - 6 months.Thanks!

      Can you take your ferret out before vaccinations?

      Can you take your ferret out before vaccinations? General Dog Discussions
    • Hi Lauren, yes you should not take them outside (traveling in a carrier excluded) before they have been vaccinated. As for when ferrets should be vaccinated, I've heard lots of variations of what ages people think best but I had my ferret vaccinated when she was 12 weeks old and give her yearly boosters. I take her for walks outside and she's completely healthy. I hope this helped :)

    • The first vet visit should be within the first 3 weeks of adoption. No, it is not the same as dogs. Ferret vaccine schedule:KitsCDV (Canine Distemper Virus) -- 6 to 14 weeks of age. A series of 3 vaccinations given at 3-week intervals (8, 11, and 14 weeks). The last one given at 14 weeks or just after, then yearly booster.Rabies -- Vaccinate at 3 months (12 weeks) and booster annually. Rabies and cdv should not be given at the same time. When you go to the vet make sure your ferret is getting the ferret distemper or the canine distemper vaccine. Not the feline vaccine - ferrets do not get feline distemper. Make sure your ferret is getting ferret or feline rabies vaccine. Not the canine rabies vaccine. Make sure you take your ferret to a ferret-knowledgable vet. He or she may recommend a flea or tick product to use. Don't take him outside before the vet appointment, since he has not had the whole kit series of vaccinations, if he bit someone or someones pet you could have some trouble. He could pick something up, though not likely you should be safe and keep him inside for the time being. Book a vet appointment right away, so you can get the vaccinations. I would finish the kit series then get the booster one year later. After that, start getting titers. Titers measure the amount of vaccine that the ferret still has in his blood. He or she may not need to get another booster that year. Ask for titers. A lot of ferret owners are over vaccinating their ferrets, and once you give them so much of the vaccine it makes them more prone to a reaction.