How do I get my cat to stay in the area I want her to (for the sake of her kittens)?

My kitty is really close to giving birth any day now. I've set up a nice dark corner for her on my porch with a wooden box and a pet carrier without the door. Yes, my kitty lives outside. I KNOW, I should keep her inside but I can't. I just can't and im…

    How do I get my cat to stay in the area I want her to (for the sake of her kittens)?

    My kitty is really close to giving birth any day now. I've set up a nice dark corner for her on my porch with a wooden box and a pet carrier without the door. Yes, my kitty lives outside. I KNOW, I should keep her inside but I can't. I just can't and im…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I get my cat to stay in the area I want her to (for the sake of her kittens)?...

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    • How do I get my cat to stay in the area I want her to (for the sake of her kittens)?

      How do I get my cat to stay in the area I want her to (for the sake of her kittens)? General Dog Discussions
      My kitty is really close to giving birth any day now. I've set up a nice dark corner for her on my porch with a wooden box and a pet carrier without the door. Yes, my kitty lives outside. I KNOW, I should keep her inside but I can't. I just can't and im not about to let her go to an animal shelter.Im a minor and my parents simply wont let me keep her inside the house. I found her as a starving kitten and fed her and she just stayed with me since. They wont let me take her to a vet or get her spayed/neutered, etc. The only thing they get for her is kitty food and a flea collar. I try my best to keep her as healthy as possible, and I really look out for her. Besides, she pretty content outside.My parents are building a dog house for my pitbull (also a stray that I took in) and I convinced them to let my kitty to stay there to have her babies. But the dog house isnt done yet. We should be putting up the walls tomorrow. BUT WHAT IF SHE HAS HER BABIES TONIGHT???!?!!??? She keeps leaving but I really need her to stay on the porch in the spot I set up for her for the good of her and her kittens because we live in a ghetto neighborhood filled with rats opossums racoons stray dogs and cats. SO PLEASE what can I do to keep her there for now? Help me guys! Please and thank you :)

      How do I get my cat to stay in the area I want her to (for the sake of her kittens)?

      How do I get my cat to stay in the area I want her to (for the sake of her kittens)? General Dog Discussions
    • Follow her around from a bit of a distance, to see if she hasn't made a nest for herself somewhere else.They usually want total privacy while giving birth. Then they want a spot they feel is safe and protected for their babies. Set the box so the open side is not wide open to viewing, sort of the opening towards a wall but not right up against it. Put in sheets of newspaper she can start ripping up for a nest, if she does that she may decide to stay there for the birthing. If she does have the babies somewhere else, you'll have to follow her to find out where they are. She will fight you if you try to move her. But if you take the babies one at a time and put them into a box (a cardboard one with towels in the bottom) she won't really notice until you take the last one. THEN she'll be very happy when you pick her up and put her in the box with the kitties. Then take the whole box and put it inside the shelter you've prepared, and stroke her and ask her to stay there. Have food and drink there for her, she won't want to go far from them at first. Maybe even a litter box, so she never has to let them out of her sight.In 8 to 10 days, when the kitties' eyes open, she'll want a safe enclosed space for them, where they can crawl around but not go too far. So fence off her end of the porch for this. Even 1 ft high is enough to keep the little ones in, but low enough for her to jump over to come out to eat. . Get kitten food for her, as it is more nutritious than adult food, and she needs it to be able to produce enough milk.Later check around your area, some shelters and some vets do discount spaying, if you explain your circumstances. Your parents are likely to be more willing to contribute after the expense of the kittens, and if you've gone to the trouble of finding a low-price solution.

    • She won't stay in a place you put her unless it's a spot she chose herself. And if you come visit her or get too close to the babies often, she will move them. Just try to make her feel really safe with you, and she will probably keep them close by. My cat insisted on having her babies in my dresser, until I sat there all the time watching the little fluff balls and she moved them. And she will definitely notice if one goes missing, too. When the babies opened their eyes I would sometimes pick one up and carry it to my bed to take pictures, but she would always freak out and come take it back to her nest

    • She's looking for what she thinks is a safe place to have her babies. Can you put her in a small bathroom until she has her babies? Then move her to the dog house. You've got to keep the pitbull away from her, if she keeps moving, she's not feeling safe. She needs to be SPAYED because she will keep having babies. What's going to happen to all her babies? Don't just let them grow up and wander off to become more unwanted strays. You can stop this by getting her SPAYED & finding good forever homes for her kittens. good luck