What does it mean if my dog keeps throwing up?

She was fine last night but today she played outside more then usual. I think she may have eaten something to upset her stomach because she is an inside dog. She has thrown up 5 times now and once she threw up the medicine I had given her. She is also…

    What does it mean if my dog keeps throwing up?

    She was fine last night but today she played outside more then usual. I think she may have eaten something to upset her stomach because she is an inside dog. She has thrown up 5 times now and once she threw up the medicine I had given her. She is also…...
    General Dog Discussions : What does it mean if my dog keeps throwing up?...

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    • What does it mean if my dog keeps throwing up?

      What does it mean if my dog keeps throwing up? General Dog Discussions
      She was fine last night but today she played outside more then usual. I think she may have eaten something to upset her stomach because she is an inside dog. She has thrown up 5 times now and once she threw up the medicine I had given her. She is also shaking. Not a lot but its like she is shivering and has a cold nose. What do I do?

      What does it mean if my dog keeps throwing up?

      What does it mean if my dog keeps throwing up? General Dog Discussions
    • What medicine did you give her?!?!?!What does her vomit look like? Are you able to take her temperature? does she have any interest in food or water? Is she passing any stool? If you touch her gums how do they feel? What color are they?How old is the dog? What breed?Vomiting like that is serious. You need to be worried about dehydration and IV fluids are preferential with vomiting. Usually if a dog vomits once I withhold food and water for 24 hours to give the stomach a chance to rest. If the dog is bad enough that dehydration is a concern in that time IV fluids would be given. More information is needed to better answer your question. From the information you have given I would start looking for a 24/hour vet in your area.