Why does my dog have green goo hanging down when she goes to the bathroom?

It's like a green slime that just sits there and hangs every once and awhile after she goes to the bathroom. Have any ideas what it is? I have tried other websites to look but I couldn't find anything, only green goo in her eyes.

    Why does my dog have green goo hanging down when she goes to the bathroom?

    It's like a green slime that just sits there and hangs every once and awhile after she goes to the bathroom. Have any ideas what it is? I have tried other websites to look but I couldn't find anything, only green goo in her eyes....
    General Dog Discussions : Why does my dog have green goo hanging down when she goes to the bathroom?...

    • Why does my dog have green goo hanging down when she goes to the bathroom?

      Why does my dog have green goo hanging down when she goes to the bathroom? General Dog Discussions
      It's like a green slime that just sits there and hangs every once and awhile after she goes to the bathroom. Have any ideas what it is? I have tried other websites to look but I couldn't find anything, only green goo in her eyes.

      Why does my dog have green goo hanging down when she goes to the bathroom?

      Why does my dog have green goo hanging down when she goes to the bathroom? General Dog Discussions
    • It sounds like she is eating some kind of vegetation. Animals will eat grass or other plants to try to settle an upset stomach. If it has happened more than once, it means she is having ongoing stomach problems and you NEED to take her to a vet.

    • I think it's bile a liquid the liver secretes into your poop that is green but turns brown after bacteria gets at it. It stays green if it comes out too fast. I don't think it's a big deal but maybe something is just upsetting your dog's stomach

    • I know that this sounds gross, however you should put your hand inside a plastic bag and give the green goo a tug, don't pull hard. You will probably find if you have a closer look at the green goo, that it is something that she has eaten. Dogs eat grass and weeds, plus other fibrous green stuff.When I was out walking with my dogs, one of them often failed to caste off when she was trying to produce a stool. I then put my hand inside a poo bag and helped by pulling this out.If you are not upon close inspection, convinced that she has eaten something green and fibrous, take this sample to the vets. My apologies for being so descriptive, however dogs often need help. True dog lovers are not squeamish when their dogs have a problem.