My dog recently lost all its hair on its chest and throat I have 3 dogs and the others have no symptoms help?

Does my dog have lice or flees if so the my other 2 dogs would have symptoms by now.what is wrong with my dog and how do I help it?

    My dog recently lost all its hair on its chest and throat I have 3 dogs and the others have no symptoms help?

    Does my dog have lice or flees if so the my other 2 dogs would have symptoms by now.what is wrong with my dog and how do I help it?...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog recently lost all its hair on its chest and throat I have 3 dogs and the others have no symptoms help?...

    • My dog recently lost all its hair on its chest and throat I have 3 dogs and the others have no symptoms help?

      My dog recently lost all its hair on its chest and throat I have 3 dogs and the others have no symptoms help? General Dog Discussions
      Does my dog have lice or flees if so the my other 2 dogs would have symptoms by now.what is wrong with my dog and how do I help it?

      My dog recently lost all its hair on its chest and throat I have 3 dogs and the others have no symptoms help?

      My dog recently lost all its hair on its chest and throat I have 3 dogs and the others have no symptoms help? General Dog Discussions
    • It could be an allergy, mites, Alopecia (caused by low immunity) Mange, Demodectic mange, lice, ringwormSome breeds can also suffer from inherited problems, such as the Dachshunds; Self-licking in dogs results in hair loss, its caused by anxiety, boredom, stress; Adrenal sex hormone responsive dermatosisHypothyroidism caused by hormonal ImbalanceCushing's Disease causes alopeciaAnd these are just the ones I can think of, so make an appointment to see your vet, it may be contagious and you don't want it to spread.