My dog has a history of seizures and she has been acting weird.?

My dog has had three seizures over the course of the last three months. Last night and today she has been acting oddly. While in bed she began panting heavily and it seemed like her body temperature went up. She sleeps under the covers so I thought maybe…

    My dog has a history of seizures and she has been acting weird.?

    My dog has had three seizures over the course of the last three months. Last night and today she has been acting oddly. While in bed she began panting heavily and it seemed like her body temperature went up. She sleeps under the covers so I thought maybe…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog has a history of seizures and she has been acting weird.?...

    • My dog has a history of seizures and she has been acting weird.?

      My dog has a history of seizures and she has been acting weird.? General Dog Discussions
      My dog has had three seizures over the course of the last three months. Last night and today she has been acting oddly. While in bed she began panting heavily and it seemed like her body temperature went up. She sleeps under the covers so I thought maybe she was too hot but her behavior began to change and she seemed postictal (post-seizure) and disoriented. Is this similar to any experience you guys have had?

      My dog has a history of seizures and she has been acting weird.?

      My dog has a history of seizures and she has been acting weird.? General Dog Discussions
    • Was the cause of the seizures identified? Is she taking anti seizure medication? Maybe she had a seizure you did not witness? Maybe she had a very mild one? Sounds like it is time for a trip to the vet...

    • sounds almost like distemper...dogs are affected neurologically and can have seizures and etc.....They can also have spikes of high fever....not sure but i would consult a vet about this.

    • I have a jack russell that has the same issues. The vet has her on Phenobarbital. She takes it every other day in the evening. Unless you have LOTS of money to do all the testing necessary to try and find the cause, the best and cheapest you can do is go to your vet and speak to them about putting your dog on this same drug. When my dog has a seizure, I wet a small towel and rub her body with it to try and keep her cool....also talk to her to try and calm her. The seizures can range in problems from Epilepsy to kidney failure. Good Luck and get your dog to a vet for some relief.

    • Take her to the Vets immediatly and have her checked for an enlarged me I have already been through the exact symptoms with my Delmation...she had to be put down 4 weeks ago. She was 11 yrs old and the love of my life. Her three other playmates miss her terribly but keeping her alive would have been inhumane.