do you know of anything that would help reduce the number/severity of seizures in a dog with epilepsy?

Besides take her to the vet's and get medicine. I've obviously already done that lol

    do you know of anything that would help reduce the number/severity of seizures in a dog with epilepsy?

    Besides take her to the vet's and get medicine. I've obviously already done that lol...
    General Dog Discussions : do you know of anything that would help reduce the number/severity of seizures in a dog with epilepsy?...

    • do you know of anything that would help reduce the number/severity of seizures in a dog with epilepsy?

      do you know of anything that would help reduce the number/severity of seizures in a dog with epilepsy? General Dog Discussions
      Besides take her to the vet's and get medicine. I've obviously already done that lol

      do you know of anything that would help reduce the number/severity of seizures in a dog with epilepsy?

      do you know of anything that would help reduce the number/severity of seizures in a dog with epilepsy? General Dog Discussions
    • The two most commonly used prescription anti-seizure medications are phenobarbital (PB) and potassium bromide (KBr). Pheno can take up to two weeks to become strong enough in the dog's systems to stop seizures. Potassium bromide can take up to 3 or 4 months to be effective. Also don't feed salty foods like ham with Potassium bromide as this can make the medicine not effective.Here's a good link about holistic remedies and other things you might try.

    • There's an excellent site - that as a ton of excellent information on it. On there, there is a section called emergency care for canine seizures which includes a study giving specifics of a new technique using an ice bag which either shortens or stops the dog's seizure. It tells you exactly where to place the ice bag on your dog's back. My female greyhound has recently been diagnosed with epilepsy and I showed this article to my vet who agreed that this has merit so I have a bag of ice in my freezer and am going to try it when she next has a seizure. I've also got the valium in my first aid kit if I need that. This site has a lot of excellent info on it on dogs with epilepsy - I found it really helpful.