How can I train my old cat to sit where I want her too?

She's getting old, and she used to have this pillow she loved. Now she doesn't like her pillow and sits on the sofa and sheds. I guess my dad <her original owner> had her trained to go to the pillow, but I don't know how he did it.I've put damp wash…

    How can I train my old cat to sit where I want her too?

    She's getting old, and she used to have this pillow she loved. Now she doesn't like her pillow and sits on the sofa and sheds. I guess my dad <her original owner> had her trained to go to the pillow, but I don't know how he did it.I've put damp wash…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I train my old cat to sit where I want her too?...

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    • How can I train my old cat to sit where I want her too?

      How can I train my old cat to sit where I want her too? Other Pet Discussions
      She's getting old, and she used to have this pillow she loved. Now she doesn't like her pillow and sits on the sofa and sheds. I guess my dad <her original owner> had her trained to go to the pillow, but I don't know how he did it.I've put damp wash clothes on the coaches, and when I catch her sitting in the wrong area, I gently escort her to her pillow where she gives me a dirty look. I can't have her ruing the couches, and I don't understand why she's abandoned her pillow.

      How can I train my old cat to sit where I want her too?

      How can I train my old cat to sit where I want her too? Other Pet Discussions
    • cats are very hard to train and most likely wont be trained.but showing her how to by saying sit pushing her down gently and rewarding her when she does helps.

    • I suggest putting catnip in her pillow, or snacks in it to entice her to stay. When she gets in it on her own, pet her to show that you want her there.As for the couch, the cheapest solution is mothballs ~ cats hate the smell and will avoid them. You can also buy sprays that will deter them, but some of those can be costly. Good luck!