Can a weekend feeder be used for Betta fish?

I've seen these 'tablets' that you can drop in your fish bowl if you are going to be away a few days. When I read the package it doesn't specify Betta. Are they classified under tropical fish? Thanks for your input.

    Can a weekend feeder be used for Betta fish?

    I've seen these 'tablets' that you can drop in your fish bowl if you are going to be away a few days. When I read the package it doesn't specify Betta. Are they classified under tropical fish? Thanks for your input....
    Other Pet Discussions : Can a weekend feeder be used for Betta fish?...

    • Can a weekend feeder be used for Betta fish?

      Can a weekend feeder be used for Betta fish? Other Pet Discussions
      I've seen these 'tablets' that you can drop in your fish bowl if you are going to be away a few days. When I read the package it doesn't specify Betta. Are they classified under tropical fish? Thanks for your input.

      Can a weekend feeder be used for Betta fish?

      Can a weekend feeder be used for Betta fish? Other Pet Discussions
    • Yes, Betta's are classified as tropical but you want to be careful using a weekend feeder especially if you're fish is in a bowl. Betta's are actually pretty hardy and will do just fine without food if you are only going to be gone for a couple of days. That would be safer than using a weekend feeder because the fish will not eat the food sitting on the bottom of the bowl and it could pollute the water before you return.

    • The vacation tablets are meant to be used in aquariums with high levels of water ciruculation needed to extract the food from the tablets. Otherwise, there is no point to using them if your betta is not in a full circulation fish tank.